The manuals for this section have been compiled by Susan L. Wall, HT(ASCP). These manuals are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and require the Acrobat Reader for viewing.
Staining Manuals
Fixative Solutions: Each of the following .PDF files contains the procedure plus a sample container label.
95% Alcoholic Bouin's Fixative
95% Alcohol Fixative
B5 Fixative
Bouin's Fixative
Formalin Fixative
Karnovsky's Fixative (glutaraldehyde)
Hartman's Fixative
Hollande's Fixative
Orth's Solution (dichromate fixative)
Zenker's Fixative
Stock Solutions: Each of the following .PDF files contains the information regarding the use and preparation of a working solution.
Acid cleaning solution for glassware
Bluing solution for hematoxylin stain
Celloidin slide adhesive
Chrome alum adhesive
Glycerin water mounting medium
H and E acid decolorizing rinse
Hypo (sodium thiosulfate)
Lugol's iodine for mercury removal
Metal embedding mold release
Paraffin block softening solution
Miscellaneous Labels
Staining Procedures: Each of the following .PDF files contains the procedure for a special stain, a procedure card, and sample container labels for the reagents.
Acid Fast Stain (for mycobacteria)
Acid Fast Stain (Ziehl-Neelsen, for M. leprae and Nocardia) [contributed by Greg Winn, Specialist Histopathology & Cytology Services, Western Australia]
Fite's Acid Fast Stain
Alcian Blue Stain
Alcian Blue-PAS Stain (PAB)
Hyaluronidase Digestion for Alcian Blue
Alizarin Stain for calcium
Auramine-Rhodamine Stain (fluorescent)
Bielschowsky Stain (for senile plaques)
Bile Stain
Bodian's Stain
Colloidal Iron Stain
Congo Red Stain
Copper Stain
Elastic van Gieson Stain
Elastic - Weigert's resorcin-fuchsin method
Modified Elastic van Gieson Stain
Fontana-Masson Stain for melanin
Melanin Bleach
Fraser Lendrum Stain
Giemsa (Modified May-Gruenwald) Stain (for hematopoietic tissues)
Giemsa Stain (for Helicobacter)
Gram (Modified Brown-Brenn) Stain
Gridley's Stain for ameba
Grimelius Argyrophil Stain (Pascual's Method)
Grocott's Methenamine Silver (GMS) Stain
Holzer's Glial Fiber Stain
Hortega's Pineal Stain
Iron Stain (Prussian blue)
Iron Stain (Turnbull's blue)
Jones' Silver Stain
Luxol Fast Blue (LFB) Stain
Methyl Green Pyronin (MGP) Stain
Mucicarmine Stain
Nissl Stain
Oil Red O Stain
Orcein Stain
Periodic acid-Schiff Stain (PAS)
Periodic acid-Schiff, digested Stain (PAS-D)
PTAH Stain
Reticulin Stain
Spirochete Stain (Steiner & Steiner method)
Sudan Black B Stain (for lipochrome)
Sudan Black B Stain (for fat)
Trichrome Stain - Masson's method
Trichrome Stain - microwave method
Thioflavin S Stain (for amyloid in tissues)
Modified Thioflavin S Stain (for senile plaques)
Toluidine Blue Stain (for mast cells)
Urate Crystal Stain
VonKossa Stain for calcium
Safety Procedures
Bloodborne Pathogens (Exposure Control Plan)
Working with Chemicals
Chemical Hygiene Safety
Chemical Inventory
Emergency Procedures
Facilities (engineering controls)
Safety Equipment (engineering controls)
Training Records
Tuberculosis Guidelines