The Construction of Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) Libraries (complete manuscript) (Clemson University Genomics Institute)
Construction of BAC Library (Caltech)
Guideline for BAC library preparation, the followings are described in great detail- Preparation of BAC vector DNA
- Preparation of source DNA
- Ligation and Electroporation
Preparation of BAC DNA
BAC Manual (Texas A&M BAC Center)
Provide details in the theory and practice for the construction, characterization, and screening of BAC libraries.- Introduction
- MegaBase DNA Preparation
- BAC Vector Preparation
Hybridization of High Density Arrayed BAC Nylon Filter Blots (Caltech)
Procedures for isolation and purification of cDNA inserts using polymerase chain reaction, probe labeling, probe hybridization and more...
BAC/PAC/Fosmid Prep (WUGSC)
BAC Sequencing with ET primers (WUGSC)
BAC End-Sequencing (Caltech)
Prepare BAC DNA for sequencing
- Large Scale Plasmid, Cosmid, BAC, PAC, and Fosmid DNA Isolation by a Cleared Lysate Method Followed by Double Acetate Precipitation (Roe Lab)