
Two-Step RT-PCR protocol



Two-Step RT-PCR protocol

We will provide both one-step and two-step protocols for RT -PCR . We recommend the two-step protocol for this class.
In the one-step protocol, the components of RT and PCR are mixed in a single tube at the same time. The one-step protocol generally works well for amplifying targets that are reasonably abundant.
Alternatively, RT -PCR can be done in two steps, first with the reverse transcription and then the PCR . The two-step protocol is usually more sensitive than the one-step method; yields of rare targets may be improved by using the two-step procedure.

One-step RT-PCR :
• Convenient

Two-step RT -PCR :
•Saves RT reagents. One RT reaction will provide templates for multiple PCR ’s
•Can be more sensitive than one-step RT- PCR

Two-step Protocol

Step One: Reverse Transcription Note: Wear gloves at all times to avoid RNase contamination
RETROscript™ kit from Ambion, Catalogue # 1710 -Reverse Transcriptase MMLV-RT (100 units/μl) -10X RT Buffer (500 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, 750 mM KCl, 30mM MgCl2 50 mM DTT) -Random decamers (50μM) -dNTP (2.5mM each dNTP) -RNase Inhibitor (10 units/μl)
Before you start:
•Place RNase Inhibitor and Reverse Transcriptase ON ICE directly from the box
•Thaw 10x reaction buffer, random decamers, and dNTP mix quickly in your hands and place ON ICE;
Use small 0.25ml PCR tubes. 1) Assemble your reaction as follows on ice. Add the enzyme last.

2) Mix gently, spin briefly. 3) Incubate in the thermacycler at:
a. 44°C for 1 hr.
b. 92°C for 10 min to inactivate the reverse transcriptase. 4) Store reaction at �20°C or proceed to the PCR .

Step Two: PCR

A) Primer Preparation 1) Primers are shipped in dry form. Briefly spin the tube before you open the cap to avoid loss of DNA pellet. 2) Dissolve the oligonucleotide in 10mM Tris, pH7.5 to make a primer stock at 100μM concentration. 3) Dilute from this stock 1:20 (in water) to make a working solution at 5 μM for use in setting up PCR reactions.
B) Setting up PCR reactions
Negative Controls
Use two negative controls among the PCR s.
I. The minus-RT control from the previous step, or alternatively, untreated RNA can simply be subjected to PCR .
II. A minus-template PCR , it should have all the PCR components, but use water as template instead of an aliquot of the cDNA (RT reaction). This control will verify that none of the PCR reagents is contaminated with DNA .

Positive Control
I. Perform PCR to amplify a cDNA that corresponds to a basal/housekeeping transcript, e.g., ribosomal protein S17 (RpS17). The TA’s will provide each team with RpS17 primers. For your reference, these are the primer sequences:
Forward RpS17: 5' - cga acc aag acg gtg aag aag - 3'
Reverse RpS17: 5' - cct gca act tga tgg aga tac c - 3'
Expected RT- PCR product size: 211bp
The primers are located on different exons that are separated by a 59bp intron.
If genomic DNA is amplified, the product size would be 270bp.
II. Use genomic DNA isolated from S2 cells as template. If your primers span intron(s), note the size of the expected PCR product and if necessary, adjust annealing temperature of the PCR program.

Reagents: Taq DNA polymerase: Invitrogen Cat# 10342-020 With 10X Buffer (-MgCl2) and 50mM MgCl2
The following table outlines the components needed for PCR . Note: do not use DEPC-treated water.

For RpS17 control:

Making Master Mixes:
Consider making master mixes if you are testing multiple sets of primers at once. A master
mix will contain everything except the PCR primers. If you are testing n sets of primers, make a master mix enough for n+1 tests.
Mix the components gently but thoroughly. Aliquot 22.5μl of your master mix to each tube.
Add 1.25μl of each of the appropriate primer at 5μM working stock concentration

Assemble reactions on ice.

Incubate in Thermacycler:
a) Initial denaturation: 94°C for 4 min
b) 30 cycles: Denature at 94°C for 30 sec
Anneal at 55°C for 20�30 seundefined~Kbr_~H~M~2~1~0Extend_at_72°C for 45 sec ***
c) Final extension: 72°C for 5 min
~undefinedStart_with_the_annealing_temperature_suggested_by_your_primer_design_software._An_annealing_temperature_of_~X55°C used with the cycling times shown is often a reasonable starting point, but the optimal temperature and cycling times for your primer and template combination may need to be determined empirically.
~undefined*The_rule_of_thumb_is_to_use_an_extension_time_of_1_min_per_kilobase_of_target.~Kbr_~H~M~2~1~0Run_15_μl of your reaction on 1-1.5% Agarose gel
