Stripping for reprobing western blots
Bring volume up to 1 L with ultrapure water.
2. Buffer, 0.1 litre
Add 0.8 ml ß-mercaptoethanol under the fumehood.
(1) Use a volume that will cover the membrane. Incubate at room temperature for 5-10 minutes.
(3) 5-10 minutes fresh stripping buffer.
Prepare buffer and strip membranes under a fumehood.
5. Add the membrane. Incubate at 50°C for up to 45 minutes with some agitation.
6. Dispose of the solution as required for ß-mercaptoethanol based buffers.
7. Rinse the membrane under running water tap for 1-2 hours.
8. Traces of ß-mercaptoethanol will damage the antibodies. Wash extensively for 5 minutes in TBST.