Animal Protocol
This is a guideline for animal experiment.
Animal Protocol
An active animal protocol is needed for any experiment involving animals. If the experiment is not covered by the existing animal protocols in the lab, you need to submit a new protocol to Carolyn Connelly (HMS: 617-432-0651) and Dianne Kenney (CBR). Once the protocol is approved by both HMS and CBR, you can start the animal experiment. Currently the lab has one active animal protocol: Antibody generation and production against adhesion structures (protocol number 03141), expire in March 2003. Another protocol is pending: Role of adhesion molecules in leukocyte trafficking.
Animal Facility
Animals are maintained at several animal facilities on the campus. Currently we use the ARC at 200 longwood avenue. To get access to this facility, you need to contact ARC officer (617-432-1283) for training course.
Animal Purchase and Exchange
Patti Bement (617-432-2399) at the Center for Animal Resources and Comparative Medicine handles the animal purchase and exchange. For purchasing animals from the commercial vendors (Charles River, Jackson Laboratory, Taconic, etc), you need to send the Animal Procurement Requisition Form to Patti Bement. She will place the order and arrange the shipment. For transferring animals from other institutions, you need to submit necessary documents (animal health report, etc) to Patti Bement for approval.