


Word Definition Topic
addition polymer Addition polymers are made when monomers (simple molecules) add together across a double bond. Useful products from oil
addition reaction A reaction in which a small molecule adds on across a double bond. Useful products from oil
alkanes Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons. This means that each carbon atom has four bonds to other atoms. Useful products from oil
alkenes Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons with a double bond between the carbon atoms. Useful products from oil
atom All elements are made of atoms. An atom consists of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons. Useful products from oil
boiling point The temperature at which a liquid changes its state to gas. Useful products from oil
capillarity Capillarity is the movement of liquid through narrow tubes as a result of surface forces. Useful products from oil
catalyst A catalyst changes the rate of a chemical reaction without being changed by the reaction itself. Useful products from oil
combustion Combustion is the process of burning by fire. Useful products from oil
compounds Substances formed by the chemical union (involving bond formation) of two or more elements.. Useful products from oil
condensation Condensation is a change of state in which gas becomes liquid by cooling. Useful products from oil
covalent bond A covalent bond between atoms forms when atoms share electrons to achieve a full outer shell of electrons. Useful products from oil
cracking Cracking is the breaking down of large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller, more useful hydrocarbon molecules by vapourizing them and passing them over a hot catalyst. Useful products from oil
crude oil Crude oil is formed from the remains of small animals and plants that died and fell to the bottom of the sea. Their remains were covered by mud. As the sediment was buried by more sediment, it started to change into rock as the temperature and pressure increased. The plant animal remains were "cooked" by this process and changed into crude oil. Useful products from oil
decomposition A reaction in which substances are broken down, by heat, electrolysis or a catalyst. Useful products from oil
distillation Distillation is when we make a liquid evaporate and then condense the vapour back to a purer liquid. Useful products from oil
double bond A double bond is a covalent bond resulting from the sharing of four electrons (two pairs) between two atoms. Useful products from oil
evaporate Evaporation is a change in state in which a liquid becomes a gas (vapour); molecules near the surface of a liquid may leave the liquid to become a vapour. Useful products from oil
formula A formula is a combination of symbols that indicates the chemical composition of a substance. Useful products from oil
fossil fuels Fossil fuels have been created over millions of years by the decay and compression of living things, particularly plants. Coal, gas and oil are fossil fuels. Useful products from oil
fractional distillation In fractional distillation a mixture of several substances, such as crude oil, is distilled and the evaporated components are collected as they condense at different temperatures. Useful products from oil
hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons are a group of compounds which contain the elements hydrogen and carbon. Useful products from oil
molecular compound A molecular compound is made up of at least two different elements, which share electrons to form covalent bonds. Useful products from oil
molecule A molecule is a collection of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. It is the smallest part of a substance that displays the properties of the substance. Useful products from oil
monomer A monomer is a simple molecule. Useful products from oil
natural gas Natural gas is a fossil fuel formed from decaying plant and animal material. Useful products from oil
oxidation Oxidation is a reaction in which oxygen combines with a substance. Oxidation also means a loss of electrons. Useful products from oil
permeable Permeable materials have tiny spaces in that allow some substances (such as oil and water) to pass through. Useful products from oil
polymer A polymer is a large molecule formed from many identical smaller molecules (monomers). Useful products from oil
polymerise Polymerisation is the reaction in which many identical monomers are joined together to make a polymer. Useful products from oil
product A product is a substance formed in a chemical reaction. Useful products from oil
saturated Filled to capacity. In a saturated hydrocarbon there are no more available bonds. Useful products from oil
sedimentary rocks Sedimentary rocks are formed when rock fragments are deposited and pressed together. Useful products from oil
thermal decomposition A reaction in which substances are broken down by heat. Useful products from oil
unsaturated An unsaturated compound contains at least one double or triple bond. Useful products from oil
vapourized Turned (generally through heating) into vapour. Vapour is a cloud of liquid particles. Steam is water vapour. Useful products from oil
vapour Vapour is a cloud of liquid particles. Steam is water vapour. Useful products from oil