CD28 分子
常用单克隆抗体或代号: 9.3,4B10
主要表达细胞: Tsub, Ba,PC [T]
分子质量(kDa)和结构: gp44(IgSF)(同源二聚体)
功 能: 与CD80、CD86互为配体,提供T细胞共刺激信号
Cell adhesion molecule; co-receptor for B cell-T cell cooperation
Promotes T cell activation
Receptor for CD80 (B7) & CD86 (BB1), found on activated B cells
Constitutive, high abundance, low affinity receptor; opposite signals are mediated by CTLA4 (CD152)
Result of T cell antigen stimulation depends on sum of effects of T cell receptor, CD28 and its ligand, CTLA4 and its ligand
CD8+, CD28+ T cells mediate antigen specific cytotoxic T cells (class I restricted) (90% of CD8+ T cells)
CD8+, CD28- T cells mediate suppressor T cells (10% of CD8+ T cells)
Positive staining (normal): CD4+ T cells (95%), CD8+ T cells (50%); activated B cells, plasma cells
Reference: 186760