


acid rain Acid rain is caused when sulphur dioxide - released by the burning of coil and oil - dissolves in rainwater to form sulphuric acid. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
combustion Combustion is the process of burning by fire. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
condense Condensation is a change in state which gas becomes liquid by cooling. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
core The core is the innermost part of the Earth. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
crust The crust is the outermost layer of the Earth. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
erosion Erosion is the process whereby rock or soil is worn away by the action of the wind, waves or water. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
fossil Fossils are the remains of animals and plants from a past geological age, preserved in the Earth's crust. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
fossil fuels Fossil fuels have been created over millions of years by the decay and compression of living things, particularly plants. Coal, gas and oil are fossil fuels. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
igneous rocks Igneous rocks are formed when molten rock cools. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
lava Lava is molten rock which has reached the Earth's surface. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
magma Magma is molten rock. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
mantle The mantle is the region of the Earth's interior between the crust and the Earth's core . Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
metamorphic rocks Metamorphic rocks are formed when rocks are changed by heat or pressure. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the chemical change that occurs in the leaves of green plants that use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose. Oxygen is produced as a by-product of photosynthesis. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
re-crystallisation When rocks are heated and put under pressure new crystals can form. These are often elongated in the direction of least pressure. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
respiration Respiration is the energy-producing process which takes place inside living cells. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
respire To engage in respiration: the energy-producing process which takes place inside living cells. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
sedimentary rocks Sedimentary rocks are formed when rock fragments are deposited and pressed together. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
tectonic plates Tectonic plates are a set of adjacent, slow-moving plates which make up the Earth's crust. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
the rock cycle The continuous recycling of rocks in and above the Earth's crust. For example, intrusive igneous rocks will, over millions of years, be forced to the surface, where they will then undergo weathering. These rocks will be slowly broken down into smaller particles which might be washed into rivers and into the sea, where they form sediment and gradually, sedimentary rock. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere
weathering Weathering is the gradual breaking down of rocks by rainwater and changes in temperature. Changes to Earth and its atmosphere