
Synthesis and Properties of 7‐Substituted 7‐Deazapurine (Pyrrolo[2,3‐d]pyrimidine) 2′‐Deoxyribonucleosides


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



7?Substituted 7?deazapurine (pyrrolo[2,3?d ]pyrimidine) 2??deoxyribonucleosides are synthesized by stereoselective nucleobase anion glycosylation. The introduction of a halogen at C7 is performed regioselectively either on the nucleobase or on the nucleoside. The pK a values of a series of 7?deazapurine 2??deoxyribonucleosides are provided, and fluorescence properties are also discussed.

Keywords: pyrrolo[2,3?d]pyrimidine; 7?deazapurine; 2??deoxyribonucleoside; nucleobase anion glycosylation; stereoselectivity; regioselective halogenation; pKa values; fluorescence; quenching

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Table of Contents

  • Basic Protocol 1: Preparation of 7‐Substituted 7‐Deazapurine Nucleosides Related to 2′‐Deoxyadenosine and 2′‐Deoxyinosine
  • Basic Protocol 2: Preparation of 7‐IODO‐7‐Deazapurine Nucleosides Related to 2′‐Deoxyguanosine and 2′‐Deoxyxanthosine
  • Basic Protocol 3: Preparation of 7‐Bromo‐7‐Deaza‐2′‐Deoxyisoguanosine
  • Basic Protocol 4: Determination of pKa Values of Nucleosides
  • Reagents and Solutions
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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Basic Protocol 1: Preparation of 7‐Substituted 7‐Deazapurine Nucleosides Related to 2′‐Deoxyadenosine and 2′‐Deoxyinosine

  • Potassium hydroxide (KOH) powder (purity, ≥85%; Sigma)
  • Anhydrous acetonitrile (MeCN)
  • Tris[2‐(2‐methoxyethoxy)ethyl]amine (TDA‐1)
  • 4‐Chloro‐5‐iodo‐7H ‐pyrrolo[2,3‐d ]pyrimidine ( S.7 ; see Pudlo et al., )
  • 2‐Deoxy‐3,5‐di‐O ‐(p ‐toluoyl)‐α‐D‐erythro ‐pentofuranosyl chloride ( S.8 ; see Hoffer, ; Rolland et al., )
  • Anhydrous dichloromethane (CH 2 Cl 2 )
  • Silica gel 60 (particle size, <0.063 mm; Merck)
  • Ethyl acetate (EtOAc)
  • Petroleum ether (b.p. range, 40° to 80°C)
  • Isopropanol (i ‐PrOH)
  • Methanol (MeOH)
  • 1,4‐Dioxane
  • 25% (v/v) ammonium hydroxide (NH 4 OH)
  • Palladium catalyst Pd(PPh 3 ) 4
  • Copper iodide (CuI)
  • Argon gas
  • Anhydrous dimethylformamide (DMF)
  • Triethylamine (Et 3 N)
  • Cyclopentylacetylene
  • Sodium methoxide (NaOMe)
  • 2 M NaOH
  • 1 M HCl
  • 10‐, 50‐, and 100‐mL round‐bottom flasks
  • 3‐cm‐diameter Buchner funnel with filter paper circles
  • Rotary evaporator connected to a vacuum pump
  • 3 × 50– and 4 × 50–cm chromatography columns
  • 0.2‐mm‐thick silica gel 60 F 254 aluminum TLC plates (Merck)
  • 254‐nm UV lamp
  • High‐vacuum pump (final pressure, <1 mmHg)
  • Steel bomb (autoclave)
  • Reflux condenser
  • Heating mantle with controller
  • Additional reagents and equipment for flash chromatography ( appendix 3E ) and thin‐layer chromatography (TLC; appendix 3D )

Basic Protocol 2: Preparation of 7‐IODO‐7‐Deazapurine Nucleosides Related to 2′‐Deoxyguanosine and 2′‐Deoxyxanthosine

  • 7‐(2‐Deoxy‐β‐D‐erythro ‐pentofuranosyl)‐2‐(formylamino)‐4‐methoxy‐7H ‐pyrrolo[2,3‐d ]pyrimidine ( S.12 ; see Seela and Driller, )
  • Anhydrous acetonitrile (MeCN)
  • Isobutyric anhydride
  • Triethylamine
  • Silica gel 60 (particle size, <0.063 mm; Merck)
  • Anhydrous dichloromethane (CH 2 Cl 2 )
  • Acetone
  • Cyclohexane
  • N ,N ‐Dimethylformamide (DMF)
  • N ‐Iodosuccinimide
  • 5% (w/v) sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO 3 )
  • Anhydrous sodium sulfate (Na 2 SO 4 )
  • 2 M NaOH
  • 1 M HCl
  • Methanol (MeOH)
  • Sodium methoxide (NaOMe)
  • 10% (v/v) acetic acid (AcOH) in H 2 O
  • Sodium nitrite (NaNO 2 )
  • Ethanol (EtOH)
  • Sodium iodide (NaI)
  • Chlorotrimethylsilane (Me 3 SiCl)
  • 0.1 M NaH 2 PO 4 buffer, pH 7.0 (see recipe )
  • 25‐, 50‐, and 250‐mL round‐bottom flasks
  • Rotary evaporator connected to a vacuum pump
  • 4 × 50–cm chromatography columns
  • 0.2‐mm‐thick silica gel 60 F 254 aluminum TLC plates (Merck)
  • 254‐nm UV lamp
  • 3‐cm‐diameter Buchner funnel with filter paper circles
  • High‐vacuum pump (final pressure, <1 mmHg)
  • Separatory funnel
  • 5‐cm‐diameter funnel with folded 10‐cm‐diameter Whatman no. 1 filter
  • Reflux condenser
  • Heating mantle with controller
  • Additional reagents and equipment for flash chromatography ( appendix 3E ) and thin‐layer chromatography (TLC; appendix 3D )

Basic Protocol 3: Preparation of 7‐Bromo‐7‐Deaza‐2′‐Deoxyisoguanosine

  • 2‐Amino‐4‐chloro‐7H ‐pyrrolo[2,3‐d ]pyrimidine ( S.17 ; see Seela et al., )
  • Anhydrous pyridine
  • Pivaloyl chloride
  • Potassium hydroxide (KOH) powder (purity, ≥85%; Sigma)
  • Anhydrous dichloromethane (CH 2 Cl 2 )
  • N ‐Bromosuccinimide
  • Methanol (MeOH)
  • Anhydrous acetonitrile (MeCN)
  • Tris[2‐(2‐methoxyethoxy)ethyl]amine (TDA‐1)
  • 2‐Deoxy‐3,5‐di‐O ‐(p ‐toluoyl)‐α‐D‐erythro ‐pentofuranosyl chloride ( S.8 ; see Hoffer, ; Rolland et al., )
  • Silica gel 60 (particle size, <0.063 mm; Merck)
  • Petroleum ether (b.p. range, 40° to 80°C)
  • 1,4‐Dioxane
  • 25% (v/v) ammonium hydroxide (NH 4 OH)
  • 1:5 (v/v) acetic acid (AcOH)/H 2 O
  • Sodium nitrite (NaNO 2 )
  • Isopropanol (i ‐PrOH)
  • 100‐ and 250‐mL round‐bottom flasks
  • Rotary evaporator connected to a vacuum pump
  • 3‐cm‐diameter Buchner funnel with filter paper circles
  • High‐vacuum pump (final pressure, <1 mmHg)
  • 5 × 50–cm chromatography columns
  • 0.2‐mm‐thick silica gel 60 F 254 aluminum TLC plates (Merck)
  • 254‐nm UV lamp
  • Steel bomb (autoclave)
  • 5 × 20–cm Serdolit AD‐4 column (resin particle size, 0.1 to 0.2 mm; Serva)
  • Additional reagents and equipment for flash chromatography ( appendix 3E ) and thin‐layer chromatography (TLC; appendix 3D )

Basic Protocol 4: Determination of pKa Values of Nucleosides

  • 4‐Amino‐5‐bromo‐7‐(2‐deoxy‐β‐D‐erythro ‐pentofuranosyl)‐3,7‐dihydro‐2H ‐pyrrolo[2,3‐d ]pyrimidin‐2‐one ( S.4c ; see protocol 3 )
  • Phosphate buffer solution, pH 4.5 (see recipe )
  • 1 M H 3 PO 4
  • 3 M NaOH
  • 100‐mL volumetric flask
  • 100‐mL beaker
  • pH meter
  • UV‐Vis spectrophotometer
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  •   Figure 1.10.1 The structures of selected 7‐deazapurine 2′‐deoxyribonucleosides. Purine and systematic numbering systems are shown in the first two structures. Compounds: S.1 , 7‐deaza‐2′‐deoxyadenosine; S.2 , 7‐deaza‐2′‐deoxyguanosine; S.3 , 2‐amino‐7‐deaza‐2′‐deoxyadenosine; S.4 , 7‐deaza‐2′‐deoxyisoguanosine; S.5 , 7‐deaza‐2′‐deoxyinosine; S.6 , 7‐deaza‐2′‐deoxyxanthosine. References: S.1a (Seela and Kehne, ); S.1be (Seela and Thomas, ; Seela and Zulauf, ); S.1f (Seela et al., ); S.2a (Winkeler and Seela, ); S.2b‐e (Ramzaeva and Seela, ); S.3a (Seela et al., ); S.3b‐d (Seela and Peng, ); 4a (Seela and Wei, ); S.4b,c (Seela and Peng, ); S.5a (Seela and Menkhoff, ); S.5bd (Ramzaeva et al., ); S.6a (Seela et al., ); and S.6bd (Seela and Shaikh, ).
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  •   Figure 1.10.2 Preparation of 7‐deaza‐7‐iodo‐2′‐deoxyadenosine (S.1d ) and 7‐deaza‐7‐iodo‐2′‐deoxyinosine (S.5d ) is carried out by glycosylation of an iodinated nucleobase. S1.d can then be used in a palladium‐catalyzed Sonogashira cross‐coupling reaction to yield the 7‐alkynyl derivative S.10 (Seela et al., ). TDA‐1, tris[2‐(2‐methoxyethoxy)ethyl]amine; Tol, p ‐toluoyl.
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  •   Figure 1.10.3 Preparation of 7‐iodo‐7‐deaza‐2′‐deoxyguanosine (S.2d ) and 7‐iodo‐7‐deaza‐2′‐deoxyxanthosine (S.6d ) is carried out by iodination of a precursor nucleoside. i ‐Bu2 O, isobutyric anhydride; DMF, N,N ‐dimethylformamide; NIS, N ‐iodosuccinimide.
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  •   Figure 1.10.4 Preparation of 7‐bromo‐7‐deaza‐2′‐deoxyisoguanosine (S.4c ) is carried out by glycosylation of a brominated nucleobase followed by amination at C4 and selective deamination at C2′. NBS, N ‐bromosuccinimide; Piv, pivaloyl; TDA‐1, tris[2‐(2‐methoxyethoxy)ethyl]amine; Tol, p ‐toluoyl. For structure of S.8 , see Figure .
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  •   Figure 1.10.5 Structures of 7‐deazapurine 2′‐deoxyribonucleosides with interesting fluorescence properties.
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Literature Cited

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