
Pathology and Autopsy of a mouse




  • if mouse is found dead
  • if mouse is a newborn or < 1 wk of age
  • If mouse is alive or moribund and above one week of age
  • Routine dissection
  • Formalin fixation
  • Storage of smears and slides
  • Tissue embedding in paraffin
Always fill-in a form for each mouse you find/submit and make as many notes as possible about his behaviour, health status or gross features.
Always weigh the mouse.

if mouse is found dead :

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if mouse is a newborn or < 1 wk of age:

  • Institute of Comparative Medicine (ICM) for procedures and facilities. Newborn mice are less sensible to CO2 narcosis.
  • Carefully verify that your mouse is dead, as taught by your ICM during the compulsory introductory course for researchers handling animals.
  • gently open up the abdomen longitudinally and the thorax along the mid-sternum up to the lower 2/3.  Make a very superficial incision in the skull with a blade. Make sure that the formalin gets into the thorax and the abdomen, fix in formalin for 24 h at +4°C. (see below formalin fixation)
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If mouse is alive or moribund and above one week of age:

  • Institute of Comparative Medicine (ICM) for procedures and facilities.
  • Carefully verify that your mouse is dead, as taught by your ICM during the compulsory introductory course for researchers handling animals.
  • get blood (easiest from the cut tip of the tail immediately after death: see also Flow protocol) and make 2 or more smears (see below storage of smears and slides). Blood can be taken from heart (this procedure must be done on mice to be sacrified immediately after), retroorbital vein plexi (with a capillary tube) or inferior vena cava. Use 22G needles. We use to exanguinate euthanized mice (see above) by cardiac puncture in order to
    • obtains serum for immunoglobulin analysis
    • better dissect the mouse and reduce artifactual staining of RBC by immunoperoxidase.
    • NOTE: intracardiac punture may spill blood in the peritoneum: if you need to analyze peritoneal cells, draw blood with a lateral approach in the thorax.
  • collect peritoneal cells if indicated.
  • fix the euthanized mouse on a flat surface (thick styrofoam box covers) with  22G and 24G needles inserted obliquely, spray with 70% ethanol in order to avoid fur all over the places, cut the skin from leg to leg and from perineum to chin in six easy steps (blue lines below). Pull apart the fur and expose peritoneum and ribs. <center> <img alt=" Sequence for opening" height="95" src="http://icg.cpmc.columbia.edu/cattoretti/Protocol/mousepathology/Sequence-blue-trackTh.gif" width="400" /> <br /> <span>click to enlarge</span></center>



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