1. Bring sections to water.
2. Acidified potassium permanganate 2 minutes
3. Wash in water
4. 1% Oxalic acid 1 minute
5 Wash in water
6. Wash in 70% alcohol (optional)
7. Stain in Weigerts Resorcin Fuchsin at room temperature for 45 minutes
8. Wash in water 10 minutes
9. Differentiate in acid alcohol
10 Wash in water
11. Stain in Van Gieson for 5 minutes
12. Wash in water
13. Dehydrate, clear . Mount sections in DPX
N.B. Do not wash too long after staining in Van Gieson dehydrate and clear quickly
Weigert Resorcin Fuchsin
--See E.P.S.R. Method
Van Gieson (Unnas Variant)
--Acid Fuchsin 0.25g
--Nitric Acid 0.5ml
--Glycerin 10ml
--Picric Acid To saturation
--Distilled water 90ml
Acidified Potassium Permanganate
--0.5% Potassium permanganate 950ml
--3% Sulphuric acid 50ml