




  • Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining of Tissue for LCM (Arcturus)
  • Immunohistochemical Staining (IHC) (Arcturus)
    For optimal LCM from IHC samples, it is necessary to minimize the amount of time the samples are incubated in an aqueous environment. Fewer and shorter incubation steps are recommended. For best results, use charged or poly-L lysine coated slides for mounting tissue sections. Tissues may not adhere through the entire IHC process on a plain glass slide.
  • Intercalator Dye Staining (Flourescence) for LCM (Arcturus)
  • Methyl Green Staining (Arcturus)
  • Nuclear Fast Red Staining (Arcturus)
  • Toluidine Blue O Staining (Arcturus)

         Histologic staining FAQ (Steven Slap and Peggy Wenk)
Some basic facts about HE staining...

         Acetyl Cholinesterase Staining (Nottingham Pathology Lab)

  • Acid Phosphatase Staining (Nottingham Pathology Lab)
  • Enzyme Histochemical Stain-Alakaline Phosphatase Staining (Nottingham Pathology Lab)
  • Adenosine triphosphatase  (ATPASE) Staining (Nottingham Pathology Lab)
  • Connective Tissue Stain-Acid Picro Mallory (Nottingham Pathology Lab)
  • Tissue Stain for Mucins-Alcian Blue technique (Nottingham Pathology Lab)
  • Connective Tissue Stain-Elastic Picro Sirius Red (Nottingham Pathology Lab)
  • Elastic and Connective Tissue Stain-Elastic Van Dieson (EVG) (Nottingham Pathology Lab)
  • Tissue Stain for Amyloid- Alkaline Congo Red Technique (Nottingham Pathology Lab)
  • Tissue Staining for Mucins-Combined Alcian Blue (Nottingham Pathology Lab)
  • Tissue Stain for Nissl Substance-Cresyl Fast Violet Technique (Nottingham Pathology Lab)
  • Tissue Stain for Axons and Alzheimer's Disease- Bielschowsky Method (Nottingham Pathology Lab)
  • Acetylcholinesterase (Riverside Methodist Hospitals)
    Acetylcholinesterase (ACE) procedure on frozen biopsies for hirschsprung's disease
  • Acid Fast Bacteria (Putt's Method )
    To detect the presence of acid-fast mycobacteria in tissue sections
  • Iron Stain-Perl's Method
    Demonstrating iron pigments in tissue which is normally found in small amounts in the bone marrow and the spleen. 
  • Basement Membrane Stain-Jones Method  
    The purpose of this procedure is to delineate the glomerular basement membrane.  Methenamine silver methods rely on oxidation of carbohydrates to aldehydes.  Silver ions from methenamine silver bind to carbohydrate components of the basement membrane and are reduced to visible metallic silver by the aldehyde groups.  Toning is with gold chloride and any unreduced silver is removed by sodium thiosulfate.
  • NADH For Dehydrogenase Frozen Muscle Biopsy NADH is a stain used to indicate changes in the muscle resulting from rearrangement of the intermyofibrillar network, examples include: whorls, target fibers, central cores and moth-eaten fibers.
  • Fat Stain-Oil Red O on Frozen Sections 
    the Oil Red O stain will demonstrate neutral lipids which are present in normal tissue and takes the form of small droplets within myofibers. 
  • Calcium Stain-VON KOSSA'S Method For Paraffin Sections  

To identify the presence of calcium in tissue.  


         Acromosal stain (P. J. Hansen Lab)

