
Inferring Evolutionary Trees with PAUundefined


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



This unit provides a general description of reconstructing evolutionary trees using PAUundefined 4.0. The protocol takes users through an example analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequence data using the parsimony and the likelihood criteria to infer optimal trees. The protocol also discusses searching options available in PAUundefined and demonstrates how to import non?NEXUS formats. Finally, a general discussion is given regarding the pros and cons of the ?model?free? and ?model?based? methods used throughout the protocol.

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Table of Contents

  • Basic Protocol 1: Using PAUundefined to Infer Parsimony Trees from DNA Sequences
  • Alternate Protocol 1: Using PAUundefined to Infer a Maximum‐Likelihood Tree from DNA Sequences
  • Support Protocol 1: Using PAUundefined to Import Non‐NEXUS Data Files
  • Guidelines for Understanding Results
  • Commentary
  • Figures
  • Tables
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.1 A sample NEXUS data set composed of 4 sequences and 60 nucleotide characters.
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.2 The Open File dialog box automatically launched when the Windows and Macintosh versions of PAUundefined are first started.
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.3 The PAUundefined main display after executing the sample data set.
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.4 The command‐line interface located at the bottom of the Macintosh and Windows main display window.
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.5 The assumptions block included at the end of the sample data set. The block contains the character and taxa sets and the user‐defined character types that are used in the example analysis.
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.6 Character‐status summary after several data management operations.
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.7 A summary of the available options under the heuristic search command and the current default setting of each option.
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.8 The summary display of the random addition heuristic search.
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.9 A simple diagram of the tree found by the random addition sequence heuristic search.
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.10 Phylogram of the single most parsimonious tree.
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.11 The table of branches and linkages output by the describetrees command.
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.12 Model parameters estimated on the neighbor‐joining tree under the General Time Reversible model (see Yang, ) with among site rate heterogeneity estimated using the invariable sites plus gamma model (Gu et al., ; Waddell and Penny, ).
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.13 Model parameters estimated on the neighbor‐joining tree under the General Time Reversible model minus among site rate heterogeneity.
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.14 Model parameters estimated on the neighbor‐joining tree under the HKY + Γ model plus among the gamma distribute rates.
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  •   Figure Figure 6.4.15 Commands needed to run and in batch mode. Note that each command and its associated options must end with a semicolon. In this way, two commands can occupy a single line, provided that a semicolon separates them. Likewise, one command can span multiple lines provided the last line ends in a semicolon.
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Literature Cited

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Internet Resources
   PAUundefined Web site.
   PAUundefined technical forum.
   PAUundefined information mailing list.
   PAUundefined publisher, Sinauer Associates, Inc. Web site.
Key References
   Hillis et al., 1996. See above.
   A general discussion of issues and controversies pertaining to phylogenetic analyses.
   Page and Holmes, 1998. See above.
   An accessible introduction to phylogenetic theory, terminology, and practice.
   Swofford et al., 1996. See above.
   A detailed description of most methods commonly used in phylogenetic inference.
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