
Introduction to Inferring Evolutionary Relationships


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



This unit provides a general introduction to phylogeny. It defines common terms and discusses the issue of rooting trees, in addition to comparing gene and species trees. Methods for inferring phylogenies, such as distance methods, parsimony methods, and maximum likelihood are also presented. The unit concludes with discussion of how to assess tree confidence.

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Trees
  • Methods for Inferring Phylogenies
  • Confidence
  • What Method is Best?
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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  •   Figure 6.1.1 A phylogeny showing some basic tree terms.
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  •   Figure 6.1.2 Unrooted and rooted trees for human, mouse, fugu and Drosophila . The rooted tree (bottom) is obtained by rooting the unrooted tree along the edge leading to Drosophila .
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  •   Figure 6.1.3 The five rooted trees that can be derived from an unrooted tree for four sequences. Each of the rooted trees 1 to 5 corresponds to placing the root on the corresponding numbered edge of the unrooted tree.
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  •   Figure 6.1.4 Three different methods of rooting an unrooted tree. Outgroup rooting places the root between the outgroup (in this example Drosophila ) and the ingroup (fugu, mouse, human). Midpoint rooting places the root at the midpoint of the longest path in the tree. Gene duplication rooting places the root between paralogous gene copies.
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  •   Figure 6.1.5 Phylogeny for the fugu, mouse, and humans, and six genes (1 to 6) that stem from a gene duplication resulting in two paralogous sets of genes, α and β. The α genes 1 to 3 are orthologous with each other, as are the β genes 4 to 6. However, each α gene is paralogous with each β gene, as they are separated by a gene duplication event, not a speciation event.
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  •   Figure 6.1.6 An additive distance matrix between four sequences and the corresponding additive tree. For any two sequences, the value in the distance matrix corresponds to the sum of the edge lengths along the path between the two sequences on the tree (after figure 2.18 in Page and Holmes, ).
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  •   Figure 6.1.7 A set of four DNA sequences and the corresponding distance matrix. A parsimony tree and a distance tree for the same sequence data are shown. Note that both trees have the same topology and branch lengths, but that the parsimony tree identifies which site (numbered 1 to 7) contributes to the length of each branch (after figure 6.1 in Page and Holmes, )
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  •   Figure 6.1.8 The three possible unrooted trees for four sequences. For each tree, the number of events that each of the ten nucleotide sites requires to evolve on that tree is scored. The evolution of site 2 is reconstructed on each tree. Trees 1 and 2 require a minimum of two nucleotide substitutions, but tree 3 can explain by a single substitution the sharing of A by Drosophila and fugu and G by mouse and human. Those sites marked with an asterisk ~undefined) are parsimony‐informative, i.e., they discriminate between the three trees. The remaining sites have the same score for each tree and hence are uninformative (modified from Stewart, ).
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Literature Cited

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Key References
   Page and Holmes, 1998. See above.
   An introduction to molecular evolution and phylogenetic analysis.
   Sanderson, M.J. and Shaffer, H.B. 2002. Troubleshooting molecular phylogenetic analyses. Annu. R. Ecol. Syst. 33:49‐72.
   Excellent overview of the problems encountered when building phylogenies, with helpful suggestions for what (if anything) can be done.
   Hall, 2001. See above.
   A nicely written how‐to manual describing how to build trees using Clustal, PAUundefined, and MrBayes, among other programs.
   Swofford et al., 1996. See above.
   Detailed review of phylogenetic methods.
Internet Resources
   Joe Felsenstein's list of phylogeny programs.
   Online molecular systematics and evolution course run by The Natural History Museum, London, and the National University of Ireland, Maynooth.
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