
Using the KEGG Database Resource


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) is a bioinformatics resource for understanding the functions and utilities of cells and organisms from both high?level and genomic perspectives. It is a self?sufficient, integrated resource consisting of genomic, chemical, and network information, with cross?references to numerous outside databases. The genomic and chemical information is a complete set of building blocks (genes and molecules) and the network information includes molecular wiring diagrams (interaction/reaction networks) and hierarchical classifications (relation networks) to represent high?level functions. This unit describes protocols for using KEGG, focusing on molecular network information in KEGG PATHWAY, KEGG BRITE, and KEGG MODULE, perturbed molecular networks in KEGG DISEASE and KEGG DRUG, molecular building block information in KEGG GENES and KEGG LIGAND, and a mechanism for linking genomes to molecular networks in KEGG ORTHOLOGY (KO). All of these many protocols enable the user to take advantage of the full breadth of the functionality provided by KEGG. Curr. Protoc. Bioinform. 38:1.12.1?1.12.43. © 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: KEGG pathway map; BRITE functional hierarchy; molecular network; genome annotation; chemical information analysis

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Basic Protocol 1: The KEGG Database Resource: Getting Started
  • Basic Protocol 2: KEGG Pathway: Metabolic Pathway Map
  • Basic Protocol 3: KEGG Pathway: Genome Comparison and Combination
  • Basic Protocol 4: KEGG Pathway: Regulatory Pathway Map
  • Basic Protocol 5: KEGG Pathway: Disease Pathway Map
  • Basic Protocol 6: KEGG Drug: Network‐Based Drug Information Resource
  • Basic Protocol 7: KEGG Disease: Disease Genes and Pathogen Genomes
  • Basic Protocol 8: KEGG Disease/Drug Mapping
  • Basic Protocol 9: KEGG BRITE: Functional Hierarchy of Genes and Proteins
  • Basic Protocol 10: KEGG BRITE: Functional Hierarchy of Other Entities
  • Basic Protocol 11: KEGG GENES: Gene Catalogs of Complete Genomes
  • Basic Protocol 12: KEGG SSDB: Analysis of Gene/Protein Universe
  • Basic Protocol 13: KEGG Orthology: Linking Genome to Molecular Network
  • Basic Protocol 14: KEGG GENOME: Genome Metadata and Taxonomy
  • Basic Protocol 15: KEGG LIGAND: Chemical Structure and Similarity Search
  • Basic Protocol 16: KEGG LIGAND: Biochemical Reaction and Path Prediction
  • Basic Protocol 17: KEGG MODULE: Functional Units and Signatures
  • Basic Protocol 18: KEGG Mapper: Pathway Mapping
  • Basic Protocol 19: KEGG Mapper: BRITE Mapping
  • Basic Protocol 20: KEGG Atlas: Advanced Visualization Tool
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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  •   Figure 1.12.1 The KEGG home page and the KEGG2 (Table of Contents) page are the entry points to the various databases and analysis tools, such as the KEGG PATHWAY database.
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  •   Figure 1.12.2 The KEGG metabolic pathway map for citrate cycle (TCA cycle) (map0020).
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  •   Figure 1.12.3 The KEGG global metabolism map (map01100) used to compare metabolic capabilities of Homo sapiens and Arabidopsis thaliana .
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  •   Figure 1.12.4 The KEGG regulatory pathway map for MAPK signaling pathway for human (hsa04010).
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  •   Figure 1.12.5 The KEGG disease pathway map for chronic myeloid leukemia (hsa05220).
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  •   Figure 1.12.6 The KEGG drug entry for Gleevec (D01441) with links to the KEGG pathway map for chronic myeloid leukemia (hsa05220) containing the target molecule and the KEGG drug structure map for antineoplastics–protein kinase inhibitors (map07045).
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  •   Figure 1.12.7 KEGG disease entry for chronic myeloid leukemia (H0004) with links to its KEGG pathway map (hsa05220) and the BRITE hierarchy for human diseases (br08402).
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  •   Figure 1.12.8 The disease/drug mapping of the KEGG pathway map for Alzheimer's disease (hsadd05210), which reveals common genes with other neurodegenerative diseases shown in the BRITE hierarchy (br08402).
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  •   Figure 1.12.9 The BRITE hierarchy for G protein–coupled receptors (ko04030) and its human‐specific version (hsa04030).
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  •   Figure 1.12.10 The BRITE hierarchy for the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification (br08303).
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  •   Figure 1.12.11 The KEGG GENES entry for cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in human (hsa:1080).
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  •   Figure 1.12.12 The KEGG SSDB gene cluster search result for nitrate transport protein NrtC in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (syn:sll1452).
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  •   Figure 1.12.13 The KEGG ORTHOLOGY (KO) entry for cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (K05031) and its taxonomy mapping.
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  •   Figure 1.12.14 The KEGG GENOME entry for Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933 (EHEC) and its related strains shown in the KEGG BRITE hierarchy for KEGG organisms (br08601).
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  •   Figure 1.12.15 The KEGG COMPOUND entry for L ‐lysine (C0047) and the KEGG GLYCAN entry for CD65 (G00197).
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  •   Figure 1.12.16 The KEGG REACTION entry for EC (R00259), the KEGG RPAIR entry for the main reactant pair (RP04458), and the KEGG RCLASS entry for the corresponding reaction class (RC0064).
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  •   Figure 1.12.17 The KEGG MODULE entry for the first carbon oxidation in the citrate cycle (M0010) with its location shown in the pathway map (map0020).
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  •   Figure 1.12.18 An example of the Color Pathway tool in KEGG Mapper. The stage‐dependent pathways for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) are shown as snapshots on the cancer overview map (hsa05200). Here all pathways involved in CML are marked.
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  •   Figure 1.12.19 An example of the Join Brite tool in KEGG Mapper. The receptor‐ligand relation data is mapped on the BRITE hierarchy for G protein–coupled receptors (ko04030), where the result is shown in an additional hierarchy level.
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  •   Figure 1.12.20 The 3D viewer tool in KEGG Atlas. The somatic mutation frequency data for colorectal cancer is shown on top of the cancer overview map (hsa05200).
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Literature Cited

Literature Cited
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