1. Add 1/50 volume of Proteinase K (10 mg/mL) and incubate the sample at 65°C for 2 hrs to overnight.
2. 200 uL 5% Chexlex-100,add 10 uL proteinase K (20 mg/mL),inculate 2 hrs in 37 °C.
3. 50ul Chelex液及lfl蛋白酶K水,56%温水浴消化2h后,煮沸8min,迅速放人冰盒冷却4min,以5000r/min速度离心lmin。吸取上清液作为DNA扩增模板于~20%保存备用。
4.All bacterial strains were treated in 400 μl of 5% Chelex 100 buffer (containi ng 0.03% SDS, 1% Tween-20 and 1% NP40) and boiled for 15 min. DNA of each sam ple was amplified by removal of some supernatant. In order to lyse Staphylococc us, proteinase K was added to the 5% Chelex 100 buffer, and the mixture was incu bated at 56℃ for 60 min and then boiled for 15 min. Blood samples in the prese nce of heparin, were subjected to red cell lysis in five volumes of 0.87% NH?4 Cl, leukocytes were pelleted, suspended in 200 μl of 5% Chelex 100 buffer with 20 mg/ml proteinase K, incubated at 56℃ for 60 min and then boiled for 15 min, centrifuged for 1 min, at which point the supernatant was collected for PCR amp lification. CSF samples were centrifuged for 5 min. Then the supernatant was p oured off and the cell pellets were resuspended in a mixture, and treated in the same method as the blood samples.
(1)取一小块冰冻的组织(少于1mg,可用经消毒的枪头钻取),或1~3 根带有毛根的毛发(需先经 90%、70%的乙醇和灭菌水依次清洗,并剪去毛干部分),或 1~5µl 血液,加入经过高温消毒的离心管中。离心管内事先加入 500µl 5%的Chelex 溶液。
(2)将样品管在56℃下放置1 小时或更长时间,直至组织样品成粉末状(不同组织所需时间各不相同)。
(3)在振荡器上振荡10~15 秒钟。
(4)在 95~100℃下煮 15~40 分钟。
(5)在振荡器上振荡10~15 秒钟。
(6)将样品管在4℃下保存,进行PCR 反应之前再次离心,使Chelex 颗粒沉淀。取上清液(1~10µl)作为DNA 模板。
1. 8~10个子囊盘,加7~10粒石英砂,置液氮中冷冻5~10分钟,取出在冰上研磨
2. 加200 ul 5% Chelex,震荡10 s.
3. 37℃温浴过夜.
4. 震荡10 s.
5. 99.9℃ PCR 12 min,取出10000 rpm ,离心10 min .
6. 取5 ul 上清液作模板DNA,PCR扩增.
7. 1.5%回收胶,150伏10 min .
8. 用百泰克回收试剂盒进行回收.