



  • Gangliosides ELISA protocol (Contributed by pingsunjim)
    This protocol can be used for detection of gangliosides.Specific antibodies to gangliosides are added to cells and allowed to bind to the cell surface. The nonbound antibody is washed away and an enzyme conjugated second antibody is then detected by the addition of an enzyme-specific substrate.
  • ELISA and Immunoprecipitation Protocols (Invitrogen)
    Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) can be used to detect and quantitate the amount of tagged fusion protein present in your samples. This is the protocol for general purpose.
  • ECM Cell ELISA (LTI)
    This is general protocol. Specific antibodies to integrins are added to pelleted cells and allowed to bind to the cell surface. The nonbound antibody is washed away and an enzyme conjugated second antibody is added to the re- pelleted cells.The bound second antibody is then detected by the addition of an enzyme-specific substrate and the plate or tubes are read spectrophotometrically. This assay can be used as a screening assay for all integrins for which antibodies are available.
  • ECM Direct ELISA (LTI)
    This procedure can be used for detection of specific proteins or for the titration of an antibody. A protein or mixture of proteins is coated on a polystyrene ELISA plate, and antibody is allowed to bind to the protein. The bound antibody is detected by the addition of a second antibody conjugated to an enzyme and an enzyme substrate with color detector is added. The relative intensity of the color developed is proportional to the original concentration of protein coated on the plate and to the concentration of antibody bound to coated antigen.
  • Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (Hancock Lab)
    Procedure for hybridization detection of PCR products
  • Direct Microwell ELISA (KPL)
  • Indirect Microwell ELISA (KPL)
    General protocol for indirect ELISA
  • Sandwich (Capture) ELISA (KPL)
    General protocol for sandwich (capture) ELISA
  • Cellular ELISA Protocol (Contributed by Nanci Donacki)
  • Live Cell ELISA Protocol
  • Peptide Inhibition ELISA Protocol
  • ELISA Inhibition Assay (Goldberg Lab)
  • ELISA Procedure for Measuring Serum Antibody Titer (Komabiotech)
    the antigen (peptide or protein) is bound to the polystyrene microtiter plate first. The antiserum containing the anti-peptide antibody is then added to the well and allowed to bind. Finally, a second antibody, specific for the first antibody and labeled for detection, is added to the well and allowed to bind. The second antibody usually has an enzyme conjugated to it. This enzyme catalyzes the formation of colored substance from a colorless substrate. This colored substance is then quantified and the amount of antibody present can be calculated.
  • Conjugation of Antibody to HRP (Contributed by Nanci Donacki)
  • Peroxidase Conjugation by Periodate Method (Contributed by Nanci Donacki)
  • Periodate Treatment of Fixed Cell Plates (Contributed by Nanci Donacki)
  • Experiment Data Sheet (Contributed by Nanci Donacki)
    Useful sheet for recording ELISA data


  • 酶标仪
  • 洗板机
  • 化学发光检测仪
  • ELISA检测试剂盒
  • ELISA试剂盒
  • 抗体
  • 酶标板
