




  • The Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) (HEI)
    An explanation of how the TEM works.
  • TEM Specimen Preparation (HEI)
  • Serial Sectioning (Walter Steffen)
  • EM visualization techniques (HEI)
    An introduction to the routine methods used when preparing specimens for transmission electron microscopy.
  • Negative staining for transmission electron microscopy. (HEI)

o  Introduction.

o  Using coated grids.

o  Using carbon films.

o  Staining protocols.

o  Staining solutions.

  • High resolution negative staining (Microscopy and Electronic Imaging Lab)
  • Preparation of Holey Carbon Film (Walter Steffen)
  • Negative Staining (Walter Steffen)
  • Embedding in epoxy resins (HEI)
    Process cultured cell for EM
  • EPON resin mixture for transmission electron microscopy (Microscopy and Electronic Imaging Lab)
  • How to coat metal specimen grids with Formusr/local (HEI)
    Strong, thin support films are essential for routine TEM.
    Here is a reproducible method for making thin films of formusr/local with details on how to mount them on metal specimen grids.
  • Preparation Of Ciliated Protozoa For Scanning Electron Microscopy (Microscopy and Electronic Imaging Lab)
    This procedures is used to fix and stain cells for SEM and for TEM. Cells can be fixed using conventional glutaraldehyde-osmium fixation  To preserve ciliary orientation, use the "instant fixation" protocol described here. With this method, the cortex and ciliary beat form is well preserved but the cytoplasm is poorly preserved and membrane breakage and blebbing on the cell surface is evident.
  • Specimen Preparation for Scanning Electron Microscopy (Microscopy and Electronic Imaging Lab)
    Methods for preparation  of a usr/localiety of specimens.
  • Sample Fixation for Electron Microscopy (Microscopy and Electronic Imaging Lab)
    This method produce good fixation for most tissues.
  • Chlamydomonas Fixation for Transmission Electron Microscopy (Microscopy and Electronic Imaging Lab)
  • Fixation of Cells Cultured in Transwell Dishes (Microscopy and Electronic Imaging Lab)
    Transwell culture dishes are commonly used to culture cells so that the top and bottom of the cells can be exposed to different culture media conditions. They are commonly used with polarized epithelial cells and endothelial cells. The cells are cultured on membrane supports and processing for transmission electron microscopy is greatly facilitated if the membranes are left intact and under the tension placed by the wells in the dish. Most dishes are destroyed by solvents used in embedding but the following method, when used with polycarbonate Transwell plates obtained from Costar, works very well.
  • Fixation and Embedding of Microtubules for Electron Microscopy (Microscopy and Electronic Imaging Lab)
    (This procedure can also be used for virtually any material that must be pelleted prior to fixation and thin sectioning)
  • Tetrahymena Fixation for Transmission Electron Microscopy (Microscopy and Electronic Imaging Lab) 
  • Preparation of Yease Cell for ImmunoEletron Microscopy (Jon Mulholland)

