
【共享】共享免疫检测新书:The immunoassay handbook fourth edition


共享免疫检测新书:The immunoassay handbook fourth edition
Part 1 Immunoassay Fundamentals
Chapter 1.1 How to use this book
Chapter 1.2 Immunoassay for beginners
Chapter 1.3 Immunoassay Performance Measures
Part 2 Immunoassay Configurations
Chapter 2.1 Principles of Competitive and Immunometric Assays (Including
Chapter 2.2 Non-competitive Immunoassays for Small Molecules—the
Anti-complex and Selective Antibody Systems
Chapter 2.3 Homogeneous Immunoassays
Chapter 2.4 Lateral Flow Immunoassay Systems
Chapter 2.5 Ambient Analyte Assay
Chapter 2.6 Free Analyte Immunoassay
Chapter 2.7 Qualitative Immunoassay—Features and Design
Chapter 2.8 Detection of Antibodies Relevant to Infectious Disease
Chapter 2.9 Microsphere-Based Multiplex Immunoassays
Chapter 2.10 Lab-on-a-Chip, Micro- and Nanoscale Immunoassay Systems, and
Chapter 2.11 Immunological biosensors
Chapter 2.12 Surface Plasmon Resonance in Binding Site, Kinetic, and
Concentration Analyses
Chapter 2.13 Measurement of Single Protein Molecules Using Digital ELISA
Part 3 Immunoassay Components
Chapter 3.1 Antibodies
Chapter 3.2 Signal Generation and Detection Systems (Excluding
Homogeneous Assays)
Chapter 3.3 Separation Systems
Chapter 3.4 Conjugation Methods
Chapter 3.5 Standardization and Calibration
Chapter 3.6 Calibration curve fitting
Part 4 Related Techniques
Chapter 4.1 Foundations of immunochemistry
Chapter 4.2 Immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry
Part 5 Immunoassay Development
Chapter 5.1 Practical Guide to ELISA Development
Chapter 5.2 Method Evaluation—A Practical Guide
Chapter 5.3 Interferences in Immunoassay
Chapter 5.4 Immunoassay Development in the In Vitro Diagnostic Industry
Part 6 Immunoassay Implementation
Chapter 6.1 Sample Collection, Including Participant Preparation and
Sample Handling
Chapter 6.2 Quality Assurance
Chapter 6.3 Point-of-Care Testing
Chapter 6.4 Choosing an Automated Immunoassay
Chapter 6.5 Immunoassay Troubleshooting Guide
Part 7 Immunoassay Product Technology
Chapter 7.1 Introduction to Immunoassay Product Technology in Clinical
Diagnostic Testing
Chapter 7.2 Market Trends
Chapter 7.3 Lateral Flow and Consumer Diagnostics
Chapter 7.4 Consumer Diagnostics—Clearblue Pregnancy and Fertility
Chapter 7.5 The Triage® System
Chapter 7.6 Stratus® CS Acute Care STAT Fluorometric Analyzer
Chapter 7.7 IMx®
Chapter 7.8 AxSYM®
Chapter 7.9 Abbott ARCHITECT® Family of Analyzers
Chapter 7.10 ADVIA Centaur® XP
Chapter 7.11 IMMULITE® and IMMULITE 1000
Chapter 7.12 Immulite® 2000 and Immulite 2000 XPi
Chapter 7.13 VITROS®_ECiQ Immunodiagnostic System_ 3600 Immunodiagnostic
System_Integrated System
Chapter 7.14 VITROS® Immuno-Rate and MicroTip? Assays
Chapter 7.15 ACCESS 2
Chapter 7.16 DxI 600 and DxI 800
Chapter 7.17 Elecsys® Immunoassay Systems
Chapter 7.18 PRISM
Chapter 7.19 Phadia Laboratory Systems
Part 8 Immunoassay Applications other than Clinical Chemistry
Chapter 8.1 Immunoassay Applications in Veterinary Diagnostics
Chapter 8.2 Ligand Binding Assays in Drug Development
Part 9 Immunoassay Clinical Applications (Human)
Chapter 9.1 Clinical Concepts
Chapter 9.2 Thyroid
Chapter 9.3 The Adrenal Cortex
Chapter 9.4 Bone and Calcium Metabolism
Chapter 9.5 Infertility
Chapter 9.6 In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET)
Chapter 9.7 Hirsutism and Virilization in the Female
Chapter 9.8 Pregnancy
Chapter 9.9 Growth and Growth Hormone Deficiency
Chapter 9.10 Diabetes Mellitus
Chapter 9.11 Hematology
Chapter 9.12 Cardiac Markers
Chapter 9.13 Cancer Markers
Chapter 9.14 Allergy
Chapter 9.15 Autoimmune Disease
Chapter 9.16 Gastrointestinal Tract
Chapter 9.17 Hepatitis
Chapter 9.18 HIV-1 and HIV-2 Causative Agents of AIDS
Chapter 9.19 Viral Diseases
Chapter 9.20 Bacterial Diseases
Chapter 9.21 Parasites and Fungi
Chapter 9.22 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM)
Chapter 9.23 Drugs of Abuse