
【资源】New and Emerging Proteomic Techniques 电子书一本



与大家分享电子书一本New and Emerging Proteomic Techniques


Ever since its first definition, proteomics has been referred to as the study of
the full set of proteins encoded by a genome, and qualitative and quantitative
comparisons of proteomes under different conditions to further unravel bio-
logical processes. Initially, proteomics was mainly a technology-driven field,
centered on two-dimensional gels/mass spectrometry and LC-MS/MS
approaches, which offered the ability to detect hundreds of proteins in a single
analysis. Proteomics has since evolved into a wide-ranging discipline that
includes a plethora of technologies and approaches whose subject is the study
of proteins. However, as proteomics is entering into the realms of clinical and
diagnostic applications, the enabling techniques are coming under an increased
level of scrutiny. Significant weaknesses in some technological aspects have
thus become apparent. As a result, new and improved proteomics techniques
are being developed and propagated.
It is the intent of New and Emerging Proteomic Techniques to present some
of the newer and still developing proteomics tools and techniques that enable
enhanced protein analyses. The techniques span the entire spectrum of top-
down and bottom-up approaches, and in their sum offer a clear example of how
proteomics has embraced essentially all techniques that contend with protein
analysis. From microarrays and gels, to chromatography and affinity separa-
tions, the proteomics techniques described in this book are addressing every
aspect of the human proteome, both quantitative and qualitative. The methods
of protein detection utilized are also very diverse, ranging from fluorescence
and resonance light scattering, to surface plasmon resonance and mass spec-
trometry. Furthermore, several chapters describe a combination of two or more
distinct techniques, resulting in enabling approaches for proteome analysis.
There are also three chapters that describe advanced bioinformatics approaches,
as they are becoming increasingly important in the analysis of the complex
proteomics data.
New and Emerging Proteomic Techniques is aimed at both beginners and
more experienced practitioners in the field of proteomics. Beginners will find
it very useful to have such a diverse set of techniques assembled in a single
book, serving as a valuable reference when choosing a technique that can
address a specific proteomics question. For experienced proteomics research-
ers, the book offers protocols and know-how from the pioneers and the expert
users of each of these techniques, with details that are usually not found in a
typical research publication. We are well aware that there are other proteomicsapproaches that are not represented in this book. However, we feel that the
fifteen chapters included describe some of the most promising new and emerg-
ing proteomics techniques, and hope that at least some of them will become
proteomics mainstays in the years to come.
Finally, we would like to thank all of our colleagues who kindly contributed
their time and expertise for the assembly of New and Emerging Proteomic

Dobrin Nedelkov
Randall W. Nels

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