Frozen sections: Once mounted on APES coated slides, frozen sections are best kept at -80°C until needed.
1. When required, leave to warm at room temperature for 5 min.
2. Pre cool the fixative (acetone, methanol or ethanol) at -20°C for 30 min. (Abcam recommends starting with acetone)
3. Fix with the pre cooled fixative for 5-10 min, at room temperature.
4. Rinse 3-4 X in PBS.
5. Continue with the immunohistochemical staining protocol.
If the tissue samples are fixed with an aldehyde fixative such as formalin, paraformaldehyde or glutaraldehyde and immunofluorescence (IF) is the detection method, consider including 0.3 M glycine in the blocking buffer, before applying the primary antibody. Glycine will bind free aldehyde groups that would otherwise bind the primary and secondary antibodies, leading to high background. Background due to free aldehyde groups is more likely to occur when the fixative is glutaraldehyde or paraformaldehyde.
Frozen-EZ Yeast Transformation II Kit(冷冻酵母转化试剂盒)
Cell Cycle Staining Kit 细胞周期检测 试剂盒 - 联科生物 MultiSciences 百篇参考文献引用 流式细胞周期检测步骤
KTO: KIT A643 VALIDATION PROTOCOL (L)-Anatel A643a Accessories
TCR试验冰冻组织切片 TCR Test Frozen Tissue Sections
使用IHC toolbox或IHC profiler对IHC结果定量分析
设 计 和 克 隆 一 个 sh R N A 到 慢 病 毒 沉 默 载 体 中 :版 本 A
设 计 和 克 隆 一 个 s h R N A 到 慢 病 毒 沉 默 载 体 中 :版 本 B
使 用 其 他 佐 剂 制 备 多 克 隆 抗 体 的 免 疫 接 种 法
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) of Thymus Frozen Sections
Preparation and Staining of Frozen Tissue Sections