


Word Definition Topic
agriculture the use of land for growing crops and raising lifestock Living things in their environment
aquaculture commercial cultivation of fish and shellfish for food Living things in their environment
arable land for growing crops Living things in their environment
biodiversity variety in and between organisms, species and ecosystems Living things in their environment
biological pest control the introduction of natural predators to combat pests in farming Living things in their environment
biomass the total weight of living organisms within a habitat or food chain Living things in their environment
biomes major world communities of plant and animal life Living things in their environment
biosphere the earth's landmasses, oceans and atmosphere, and all the animals, plants, insects, birds and micro-organisms living in them Living things in their environment
camouflage colouring or patterning which makes an organism blend in with their environment Living things in their environment
carbohydrate food belonging to the group consisting of sugars, starch and cellulose. They are vital for energy in humans and will be stored as fats if eaten in excess. In plants, carbohydrates are important for photosynthesis. Living things in their environment
carbon chemical element found in all living things Living things in their environment
carbon cycle the way through which carbon is recycled through the processes of respiration, photsynthesis and decomposition. Living things in their environment
carnivore an animal which feeds only on other animals Living things in their environment
carnivores animals who feed only on other animals Living things in their environment
cellulose a carbohydrate which forms the cell wall in plant cells Living things in their environment
community populations of different organisms living together in a habitat Living things in their environment
consumer organisms that get their energy by eating either green plants or other consumers. Primary consumers feed on plant material and secondary consumers feed primarily on animal material Living things in their environment
consumers organisms that get their energy by eating either green plants or other consumers. Primary consumers feed on plant material and secondary consumers feed primarily on animal material Living things in their environment
coral reefs limestone formations found in tropical waters, made largely from living organisims (stony corals) Living things in their environment
crop-rotation a method used in farming where crops are rotated to different fields each year to maintain the nutrients in the soil Living things in their environment
decomposer an organism which eats dead organisms or animal droppings and breaks them down into simple materials. Living things in their environment
decomposers organisms that feed on and break down dead matter Living things in their environment
deforestation the process of cutting down a large number of trees in a forest and not replacing them Living things in their environment
eco-agriculture another name for organic farming Living things in their environment
ecology the study of living things within their environment Living things in their environment
ecosystem a community of animals, plants and micro-organisms, together with the habitat where they live Living things in their environment
ecosystems communities of animals, plants and micro-organisms, together with the habitats where they live Living things in their environment
egestion gestting rid of undigested material from the body Living things in their environment
element a substance consisting of one kind of atom only Living things in their environment
eutrophication 'hyper-nutrition' resulting from fertiliser pollution of aquatic ecosystems. Results in oxygen depletion and reduced ability to support life Living things in their environment
excreted discharged as waste Living things in their environment
excretion removal of metabolic waste from the body Living things in their environment
fats one of the three main food groups, fats include butter, cheese and oils. Fats are used for energy and insulation Living things in their environment
feeding relationship relationships between organisms which are fed upon and organisms who feed upon them. Feeding relationships can be shown in food chains or food webs. Living things in their environment
fertilisers nutrients applied to crops to speed up growth Living things in their environment
food chain (diagram of) a sequence of feeding relationships between organisms, showing who eats what and the movement of energy through trophic levels Living things in their environment
food chains (diagrams of) sequences of feeding relationships between organisms, showing who eats what and the movement of energy through trophic levels Living things in their environment
food web (diagram of) a network of feeding relationships between organisms in a community Living things in their environment
fossilised hardened into a fossil Living things in their environment
global warming gradual increase in average temperature - the result of the greenhouse effect Living things in their environment
greenhouse effect gradual increase in global temperature, the result of increased emissions of gases such as carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere. The cause of global warming Living things in their environment
greenhouse gases the gases responsible for the global warming - carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and CFCs Living things in their environment
habitat a place where plants, animals and micro-organisms live Living things in their environment
habitats places inhabited by communities of living things Living things in their environment
herbivore an animal which feeds only on plants Living things in their environment
herbivores animals who feed only on plants Living things in their environment
Horticulture the growing of garden plants; the cultivation of fruit and vegetables Living things in their environment
intensive farming a type of farming that utilises high levels of input (machinery and the use of chemical fertilizers and sprays) to return maximum yields Living things in their environment
monocultures the cultivation of a single crop within a farm or particular area Living things in their environment
niche particular place or role occupied by an organism within an ecological community Living things in their environment
nitrogen a colourless and odorless gas that makes up around 79% of the atmosphere. Nitrogenous waste leaves the body in the form of urea in urine. Living things in their environment
non-biodegradable cannot be broken down by decomposers Living things in their environment
nuclear waste radioactive waste produced from nuclear power stations, nuclear weapons manufacture or nuclear reactors Living things in their environment
omnivore an animal which feeds on both plants and animals Living things in their environment
organisms living entities - ie animals, plants or micro-organisms Living things in their environment
pesticides chemicals used to kill insects, weeds and micro-organisms that might damage crops Living things in their environment
pollution contamination of the environment, usually by chemicals Living things in their environment
populations members of a single species living in a habitat Living things in their environment
predator animal that hunts, kills and eats other animals for food Living things in their environment
predators animals that hunt, kill and eat other animals for food Living things in their environment
prey organisms that predators kill for food Living things in their environment
producer an organism which can make its own food - ie a green plant Living things in their environment
pyramid of biomass a diagram to illustrate the amount of biological material within a food chain or web Living things in their environment
pyramid of numbers a diagram to illustrate the number of organisms within a food chain or web Living things in their environment
respiration chemical change that takes place inside living cells, which uses glucose and oxygen to produce the energy organisms need to live. Carbon dioxide is a by-product of respiration Living things in their environment
scavengers animals that feed on dead animals or decaying matter Living things in their environment
selective breeding the breeding of plants or animals that have desirable characteristics Living things in their environment
sustainable activity which does not use up or destroy resources or the environment, so that it can continue to be done in the future Living things in their environment
symbiosis a relationship between two different organisms which co-exist and in some cases help each other to survive Living things in their environment
toxins a type of natural poison produced by an organism, often as a form of protection Living things in their environment
toxicity degree of harmfulness Living things in their environment
trophic level feeding levels of a food chain Living things in their environment
tropical rainforest dense tropical equatorial woodland Living things in their environment
unsustainability an activity which uses up resources or damages the environment so that it cannot be continued in the future Living things in their environment
Urbanisation the growth of towns and cities and associated movement of populations into them Living things in their environment