
好消息--PeproTech ELISA操作指南视频已上传!



美国 PeproTech ( 派普泰克 ) 公司是世界上领先的重组细胞因子和蛋白生产商,同时也生产多种细胞因子和蛋白的 ELISA 法检测试剂盒,详细信息请查看 www.peprotech.com ,或与 PeproTech 中国代表处 ( 电话: 0512-6832 5993 Email china@peprotechasia.com ) 联系。

为让中国用户能够更好的熟悉和掌握 PeproTech ELISA 试剂盒及其技术, PeproTech 专门制作了 " ELISA 操作指南视频 " ,供各位老师和同学观摩!

视频网址为 <font>http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzQ3Mzk3NTg4.html</font> <font>http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/tzU8m93o0tI/</font> ,欢迎大家的批评和指正!


The following video tutorial described how to run a sandwich ELISA, also known as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, using a general PeproTech protocol.
接下来的实验指导讲述 PeproTech 夹心法 ELISA ,即酶联免疫吸附试验的通用步骤

The capture, standard, and detection are supplied as stable lyophilized products, and should be stored at -20 until ready for use.
捕获抗体、标准品和检测抗体均为冻干粉,使用前应保存于 -20

Reconstituted Capture, Standard, and Detection components are only guaranteed to be stable for up to 2 weeks when stored at 4 .
捕获抗体、标准品和检测抗体重悬后,在 4 时最长保存 2 周。

If you have reconstituted the EDK, and plan on using it for a duration greater than two weeks, aliquot and store at -20 for up to 6 months.
如果您已重悬了 EDK 的各组份,并准备在 2 周之后使用,请将重悬的组分分装并冻存于 -20 ,最长可保存 6 个月。

In contrast to the other three EDK components, the Avidin-HRP vial comes ready to use
EDK 的其它三个组分不同, Avidin-HRP 为即用型

In order to avoid harmful repeated freeze/thaw cycles, or long-term storage at 4 which mean advisory functionality. Aliquot the Avidin-HRP into ten 6uL vials upon receipt and stored at -20 are stable for up 2 years from the date of receipt.
目的是避免反复冻融或长期 4 保存对该组分的功能损害。收到 Avidin-HRP 后,立即将其分装为 6ul/ 管,共 10 管,冻存于 -20 ,最长可保存 2

Phase 1:
1 阶段:

Coating the plate with capture antibody

Centrifuge the vial briefly to bring the capture antibody to the bottom

Reconstitute the capture body in sterile water to the concentration specified on the datasheet. And allow the vial to be reconstituted for minimum 10 minutes.
用无菌水将捕获抗体重悬至说明书上要求的浓度,静置 10 分钟以使抗体完全溶解

Centrifuge the reconstituted vial for 3 minutes at maximum speed
重悬的抗体以最高速度离心 3 分钟

Dilute the capture antibody in 1×PBS to the concentration specified on the datasheet.
1xPBS 稀释捕获抗体至说明书上要求的浓度

Gently mix or vortex the vial, try to ensure the air bubbles don’t mix into the solution,

Immediately add 100ul of the capture antibody solution into the ELISA plate wells.
立即在每个 ELISA 板孔中加入 100uL 捕获抗体

Press firmly to seal the plate, take care not to let the reagent splash on the film
将封板膜用力压盖在 ELISA 板上,注意不要使抗体滴溅在封板膜上

Incubated the plate overnight at 25 , alternatively the incubation for this phase can be done at 37 for 2-4 hours
孵育过夜,或者 37 孵育 2-4 个小时

To wash the plate, discard the liquid and blot on a clean paper towel,

Add 300ul of the wash buffer to every well and then aspirate the plate
每孔加入 300ul 洗液,然后再将液体吸除

Repeat the step three additional times, totaling four washes in all.
该步骤再重复 3 次,总共洗涤 4

After the last wash, invert the plate to move liquid, and blot on a clean paper towel.

There are several other methods to wash an ELISA plate.

Whatever you choose, be consistent with your washing technique throughout the whole process.
无论使用哪种方法,请在整个 ELISA 实验过程中保持一致

Phase 2: Blocking non-specific binding

Bovine serum albumin is used as the blocking reagent to block any unbound open sites within the plastic wells

Add 300ul of the blocking buffer to each well.
每孔中加入 300ul 封闭液

Seal the plate and incubate for at least 1 hour at 25 .
封板,并在 25 孵育至少 1 小时

Phase 3:
3 阶段:

Specific binding of antigen

Priority to the end of the previous incubation period

Centrifuge the standard vial briefly

And reconstitute to the specified concentration in sterile water.

Allow the vial to reconstitute for minimum 10 minutes.
静置至少 10 分钟,以使标准品完全溶解

When the incubation period is over, remove the plate and wash four times
重悬结束后,取出板并洗涤 4

Centrifuge the reconstituted standard vial for 3 minutes at maximum speed
重悬的标准品以最高速度离心 3 分钟

Dilute to the specified concentration, and gently mix or vortex the solution.

The standard curve is the area on the plate dedicate to fixed concentrations of our protein standard
标准曲线在 ELISA 板上的区域专用于检测已知浓度的蛋白标准品

If using a multi-channel pipette, firstly add 100ul of the diluent to all standard curve wells except for the first row
如果使用多道移液器,除第一列外的所有标准曲线孔中均加入 100ul 稀释液

Next, add 200ul of standard solution to the first row of standard curve wells.
然后,在标准曲线孔的第一列中加入 200ul 标准品溶液

Dilute 1:2 down the plate to a minimum of six concentrations
依次倍比稀释,标准品至少有 6 个浓度

Each standard curve well should contain the final volume of 100ul of the solvent.
每个标准曲线孔中液体的终体积应为 100ul

Using the minimum six concentrations in the triplicate, plus a minimum six wells of blanks containing only diluent.
标准品至少有 6 个浓度,每个浓度为 3 个复孔,再设 6 个空白孔,其中仅含稀释液

These blanks are essential and later determining the efficacy and ability of the measurements of the samples.

Next, add your specific samples of interest in triplicate to the remaining wells
然后,在剩余孔中加入待测样本,每个样本设 3 个复孔

Depending on the concentration of the analyte, dilution may be necessary for optimal results

Seal the plate and incubate for two hours at 25 .
封板, 25 孵育 2 小时

Phase 4:
4 阶段:

Sandwich formation via the addition of biotinylated detection antibody.

Priority to the end of the incubation, centrifuge briefly and reconstitute the detection antibody for ten minutes in sterile water.
孵育结束前,稍离心检测抗体,并用无菌水重悬,静置 10 分钟

When the incubation is over, remove the plate and wash four times.
孵育结束后,取出板,洗涤 4

Centrifuge for 3 minutes at maximum speed
最高速度离心 3 分钟

And dilute the detection antibody in diluent to the specified concentration.

Gently mix the solution and immediately add 100ul per well
轻轻混匀,立即在每孔中加入 100ul 检测抗体液

Seal the plate and incubate for 2 hours at 25
封板, 25 孵育 2 小时

Phase 5:
5 阶段:

Addition of the enzyme-linked Avidin-HRP to the sandwich
夹心上加酶联亲合素 (Avidin-HRP)

While the plate is incubating, remove one 6ul aliquot of Avidin-HRP from the freezer and let it thaw.
板在孵育过时,从冰箱中取出一管 Avindin-HRP (6ul) ,使其融化

When the incubation is over, wash the plate 4 times
板孵育结束后,洗涤 4

Dilute the Avidin-HRP 1:2000 in diluent
用稀释液 1:2000 稀释 Avidin-HRP

Gently mix the solution and immediately add 100ul per well.
轻轻混匀,立即向每孔中加入 100ul

Seal the plate and incubate for 30 minutes at 25 .
封板, 25 孵育 30 分钟

To reduce the background interference, ensure the incubation is for 30 minutes only.
为降低背景干扰,请确保孵育时间正好为 30 分钟

Phase 6: Conversion of the colorless substrate into a colored solution.
阶段 6 :底物显色

Promptly washed the plate after incubation and add 100ul of ABTS substrate solution to each well.
孵育结束后,立即洗板。每孔加入 100ul ABTS 底物溶液

Use an Avidin-HRP in conjunction with ABTS only.
仅可与 ABTS 配合使用

Using it in conjunction with TMB or other substrate solutions, mainly to a dramatic rise in background development
如与 TMB 或其它底物溶液配合使用,会显著提高背景显色

Incubate at room temperature for color development

Monitor the plate at 5-minute intervals for up to 60 minutes.
每隔 5 分钟读板一次,最长可监测 60 分钟

Using a ELISA plate reader set at appropriate wavelength correction for your selected plate

OD readings will vary depending on the specific EDK and its reading time provided on the product datasheet.
不同,以及说明书上所要求的读板时间不同均可能导致 OD 值的差异

PeproTech( 派普泰克 ) 中国代表处
江苏省苏州市金河国际大厦 1918
邮编: 215011
电话: 0512-6832 5993/6832 5983
