Plant Transformation
Plant transformation involves the insertion of “foreign” genetrc material into plant cells and the regeneration of transgenic
plants Over the past 15 yr or so, a variety of methods for plant genetic engineering have been described, these fall into
two broad categories. Agrobactenum
-based and direct gene transfer methodologres The choice of transformation method depends on a number of variables, prmcrpally
the plant spe- cies to be transformed, the purpose of the experiment and the avarlabthty of the neces- sary equrpment. The
vast majority of plant transformation techniques require the use of explants with high regeneration capacmes as starting material,
the choice of explant often determines the surtabllny of particular methods This chapter describes the dlf- ferent plant-transformation
methods available and discusses the factors that must be taken into account in planning this type of experiment. In addmon,
the range of apph- cations for whrch plant transformation can be utilized are listed