Packagene® Lambda DNA Packaging System
Packagene ® Lambda DNA Packaging System
The Packagene ® Lambda DNA Packaging System is derived from the unique one-strain host system (Rosenberg). The System is easy to use because it contains all the components and buffers needed to perform the packaging reaction in a single tube. Only the addition of substrate DNA is required. The packaging efficiencies of recombinant DNA using the single-strain Packagene ® System are as efficient as those using a two-strain system.
The Packagene ® Extract is produced from an E. coli C bacterial host. Libraries constructed using the Packagene ® System are not biased by EcoK restriction of genetic material because E. coli C lacks the K-12 DNA restriction system. The Positive Control DNA provided with the system, lambda c I857 Sam7 , allows evaluation of Packagene ® System performance without depleting sample DNA.