CD38 分子
常用单克隆抗体或代号: Leu17,T10,OKT10
主要表达细胞: Ta,Thy,Ba,PC [B]
分子质量(kDa)和结构: gp45
功 能: 白细胞活化,ADP环化酶,与CD31互为受体,细胞粘附
Novel enzyme capable of catalyzing multiple reactions; two enzyme products are calcium messengers
Positive and negative regulator of cell activation and proliferation, depending on the cellular environment
Involved in adhesion between human lymphocytes and endothelial cells
Important for leukemia phenotyping and classification, targeting of immunotoxin antibody in myeloma treatment
Increases with HIV seroconversion; coexpression with CD8 associated with progression (indicates persistent viral stimulation)
Positive staining (normal): plasma cells (strong), lymphoid progenitor cells, NK cells, B and T cells, monocytes, erythroid and myeloid precursors, thymocytes, blasts, brain, muscle, kidney, liver, ovary, pancreas, placenta, testis
Positive staining (disease): lymphoma, neuroblastoma