
microRNA (miRNA) Reference List(重要文献一览)


1 Founding Members: Lin-4/let-7

Ambros, V., and Moss, E. (1994) The heterochronic genes and developmental timing in C. elegans. Trends in Genetics 10, 123-127.

Basyuk E, Suavet F, Doglio A, Bordonne R, Bertrand E. (2003) Human let-7 stem-loop precursors harbor features of RNase III cleavage products. Nucleic Acids Res. 31(22):6593-7.

Feinbaum, R. and Ambros, V. (1999) The timing of lin-4 RNA accumulation controls the timing of post-embryonic developmental events in C. elegans. Develop. Biol. 210, 87-95.

Ha, I., Wightman, B. and G. Ruvkun. (1996) A bulged lin-4/lin-14 RNA duplex is sufficient for Caenorhabditis elegans Lin-14 temportal gradient formation. Genes & Development 10, 3041-3050.

Johnson SM, Lin SY, Slack FJ. (2003) The time of appearance of the C. elegans let-7 microRNA is transcriptionally controlled utilizing a temporal regulatory element in its promoter. Dev Biol. 15, 364-79.

Lee, R., Feinbaum, R., and Ambros, V. (1993) The heterochronic gene lin-4 of C. elegans encodes small RNAs with antisense complementarity to lin-14. Cell, 75, 843-854.

Moss, E., Lee, R., and Ambros, V. (1997) Control of developmental timing by the cold shock domain protein Lin-28 and its regulation by the lin-4 RNA. Cell 88, 637-646.

Moss EG, Tang L. (2003) Conservation of the heterochronic regulator Lin-28, its developmental expression and microRNA complementary sites. Dev Biol. 258(2):432-42. Erratum in: Dev Biol. 262(2):361.

Olsen, P. H. and Ambros, V. (1999) The lin-4 regulatory RNA controls developmental timing in C. elegans by blocking LIN-14 protein synthesis after the initiation of translation. Develop Biol. 216, 671-680.

Pasquinelli AE, Reinhart BJ, Slack F, Martindale MQ, Kuroda MI, Maller B, Hayward DC, Ball EE, Degnan B, Muller P, Spring J, Srinivasan A, Fishman M, Finnerty J, Corbo J, Levine M, Leahy P, Davidson E, Ruvkun G. (2000) Conservation of the sequence and temporal expression of let-7 heterochronic regulatory RNA. Nature. 408(6808):86-9.

Reinhart, B.J., Slack, F.A., Basson, M., Pasquinelli, A.E., Bettinger, J.C., Rougvie, A.C., Horvitz, H.R., and G. Ruvkun. (2000) The 21 nucleotide let-7 RNA regulates C. elegans developmental timing. Nature, 403: 901-906.

Sempere, L. F., Dubrovsky, E. B., Dubrovskaya, V.A., Berger, E. M., and Ambros, V. (2002) The expression of the let-7 small regulatory RNA is controlled by ecdysone during metamorphosis in Drosophila melanogaster. Develop. Biol. 244, 170-179.

Slack, F. J., Basson, M., Liu, Z., Ambros, V., Horvitz, H. R. and Ruvkun, G. (2000) The lin-41 RBCC gene acts in the C. elegans heterohcronic pathway between the let-7 regulatory RNA and the LIN-29 transcription factor. Molecular Cell 5, 659-669.

Vella MC, Choi EY, Lin SY, Reinert K, Slack FJ. (2004) The C. elegans microRNA let-7 binds to imperfect let-7 complementary sites from the lin-41 3'UTR. Genes Dev. 18(2):132-7. [Abstract]

Wightman, B., I. Ha, and Ruvkun, G. (1993) Post-transcriptional regulation of the heterochronic gene lin-14 by lin-4 mediates temporal pattern formation in C. elegans. Cell 75, 855-862.