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Tools and Techniques
Molecular Immunology Antibodies. Antibody uses: Elisa, Nephelometry, Radioimmunology
Cellular Immunology Cytometry, Cell Culture
Tissue Immunology Microscopy, Immunohistology
Equipments, Reagents
Animal Models
Immunological assays Autoimmunity, Immune deficiencies, Allergy and Hypersensitivity
Immunology Labs
Accreditation, Quality Controls

Protocol OnLine in immunology et a discussion forum, as well as a products discussion forum



Antibody Resource Com :
open since 1996, this site regularly actualized is a portal with numerous weblinks, some technical, others visual, as well as commercial websites.

Applied Biosystems, in Protein & Peptides: Antibodies, from design to assay
peptides, immunizations, antibodies...

commercial and recent, abcam : an antibody location service,
any antibody, from any company, from any where, at any time...
e-mail contacts were positive at first and I liked their sheep logo, but they were not interested in supporting ASSIM

more and more websites to order on-line and also access information

Practical Microbiology and Immunology Interactive exercises: Antigen-Antibody assays, by the Dept of Microbiology and Immunology; University of Melbourne.

MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES: before reading the pages coonstructed by Assim, look at the pages from

Therapeutic Immunology group d'Oxford, they are remarkably didactic

Antibody engineering: Recombinant antibodies, bivalent, bispecific, intrabodies, phage display... go to Marburg University, you'll find numerous informations, didactic figures, links...

Monoclonal anti-toxins, by Texas A&M U

Labelling of monoclonal antibodies with fluorochromes

inside a Biology hypertextbook still in progress from the MIT, one immunology chapter, only one, monoclonal antibody production

Hybridoma at the ATCC

if you want to read the paper published in Immunology To-Day in august 2000 on antibodies and internet, you'll find it with interactive links on Stefan Dübel' site as well as the recombinant antibody pages


Virtual Immunology Lab from Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Elisa assay
1996 Holiday lectures: a laboratory virtual exercise

Technique: ELISA webpage from Japan

ABZYMES, from Montreal University with examples



UMass/Amherst: Catalog of free Flow cytometry software (october 97)

What is flow cytometry? a few pages fromImperial Cancer Research Fund.

One Flow cytometry course fromTexas University - Houston Medical School by A Lemaistre.

15 series of powerpoint slides, almost 400!, designed by the flow cytometry labs of Purdue University

STEP Program of I.S.A.C: Specialty Training & Education Program in Cytometry: access to a large array of american labs offering learning opportunities to cytometry techniques and interpretations

Cellular functional Biochemistry using flow cytometry, by G Valet

Guidelines & Cytometry Standards, on Wiley websites, pdf files of papers published from 1993 to 1997

The Cyber bloc-notes by Olivier L. from Rouen

from the Salk Institute: Flow Cytometry on the Web (updated 6/99)

in the "Leukemia information library" focused on AML, a classification of acute leukemias and a Flow cytometry course on AML.

1997 Revised Guidelines for Performing CD4+ T-Cell Determinations in Persons Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) MMWR January 10, 1997 / 46(RR-2);1-29

Compendium of Cytometry Internet Sites. [updated 8 December 1998]


Cell lines and other biological mateials, bacteria, yeasts... will be found at ATCC

Clonetics and BioWhittaker describe their cell cultures systems: 15 among them, a few immune cells, with protocols and references...


Microscopy and analysis, the website of a free journal, however rich in technical informations and pictures

A webpage "Immunohistochemistry home page" designed by pathologists, oriented immunohistochemistry

The Book of fluorescent probes by Molecular probes


LabWorld Online, a german initiative to explore
If you like ports of call...


You want to find a KO mouse, look for it in the "Database of gene knockouts".
You'll be welcome by


Innate Immunity

Numerous detailed informations were available on Complement assays on National Jewish Hospital website. unfortunately, pages were modified in may 2000, can you help us to find the way...?


Antinuclear antibodies, by the Laboratory Medicine departement of Washington University Medical Center: recently modified, the search tool had a few problems finding immunological assays (5/2000)

The Immunology departement of Kingston General Hospital in Hull offered autoantibody detection pictures, but the link has been modified!!!

on the FDA website, a CDRH web document (document pdf) : Anti-nuclear Antibodies (ANA): Review Criteria for the Assessment of Anti-nuclear Antibodies (ANA) In-Vitro Diagnostic Devices Using Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA), Immunodiffusion (IMD) and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant Assay (ELISA)


HLA B-27 disappeared from biological assays in this american health website healthanswers.com, but the immune system belongs to the topics list

Many Laboratories, from University Hospitals or from Private practice list and describe available biological assays

The Handbook of Michigan University Laboratories

Foundation for Blood Research: clinical services, research, education... immunological assays

Pacific laboratory medical services

Pathcenter of Western Australia ???

ARUP Lab (Salt Lake City)

Clinical Immunology Laboratory: A division of Duke University Regional Referral Laboratory Services ???

AAL Reference Laboratories

On Webmed, theYale University Book of Medical Tests: among them allergies chap14: How Your Doctor Diagnoses an Allergy
-- Skin Tests
-- Penicillin Skin Tests
-- Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity Test (DTH)
-- Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST)
-- Paper Radioimmunosorbent Test (PRIST)
-- Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
-- Precipitating Antibodies
-- Blood and Urine Histamine
-- Nasal Challenge Test
-- Bronchial Challenge Test
-- Food Allergy Test
-- Nasal Smear for Eosinophils
-- Transillumination of the Sinuses
and the immune system chap15: How Your Doctor Diagnoses Immune Disorders and Deficiencies
-- Sedimentation Rate
-- C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
-- Autoantibody Testing
-- Schirmer's Test
-- Lower Lip Biopsy
-- Hla Typing
-- Complement Assay
-- Immune Complex Detection
-- Lymphocyte Typing
-- Phagocytic Cell Assay

Joint Taskforce on Practice Parameters
Parameters Published by the Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters in Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
Practice Parameters for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1995;96 (Nov):S707– 870.
Practice Parameters for Allergy Diagnostic Testing. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1995:75(Dec): 543–625.
Practice Parameters for the Diagnosis and Management of Immunodeficiency. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1996;76(March):282–294.
Practice Parameters for Allergen Immunotherapy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1996;98(Dec):1001– 1011.
Disease Management of Atopic Dermatitis: A Practice Parameter. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1997;79(Sept):197–211.
The Diagnosis and Management of Anaphylaxis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998;101(June):S465– S528.

Rheumatology Diagnostic Labs: Internet education center: an american private Lab founded in 1977 not far from UCLA offers online "Algorithms" ( ANA 12; SPE (Serum protein electrophoresis) Algorithm; HIV Positive Panel), des informations techniques ( ANA Testing, ANA Profiles in ANA Positive Rheumatic Disease, Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Autoantibodies (ANCA), Frequency Of C-ANCA, P-ANCA & Anti-MPO Ab In Disease, Biochemical Markers of Bone Metabolism, Guideline To Interpretation And Utility Of Bone Resorption Markers ), and numerous internet links...

Reagents manufacturers inform doctors and patients

Clinical Monograph Series #1: "Sensitive Thyroid Antibody Testing: Clinical Strategies for the Practicing Physician" by T F. Davies, M.D., F.R.C.P. F et T Baumritter Professor of Medicine; Director, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism; Mount Sinai School of Medicine; New York, New York
Clinical Monograph Series #2: "Autoantibodies to Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase: Clinical Utility for the Practicing Physician" by R C. McEvoy, M.D., Department of Pediatrics, Division of Diabetes and Endocrinology; Mount Sinai School of Medicine; New York, New York
KRONUS Technical Series: "Autoantibodies to the TSH Receptor: The Role of TSH Autoantibodies in Graves' Disease"
KRONUS Technical Series: "Diabetes Mellitus and Autoimmunity: The Role of GAD65, IA-2/ICA-512, and Insulin Antibodies in Diabetes Mellitus"

Medical Biology

les polycopiés d'atelier de l'ACORATA (among 53 topics, 2 are available on-line menopause and trisomy 21)
link broken?


A personal webpage "L'accréditation des laboratoires de biologie médicale", informs on COFRAC and allows to understand specific terms and concepts (in french).

CLIAnet, Clinical laboratory improvement amendments

An online course on quality control for health laboratories, was offered by the AACC, American Association for Clinical Chemistry

Two standards from Australasia:
- for Leukemia and lymphoma immunophenotyping,
- forLymphocyte immunophenotyping

If you want to know everything about ISO

The Clinical Ligand Assay Society Certification Board (CLASCB) certifies in immunoassay and ligandassay

L'EA has a website where you can find the September 1999 Nuremberg meeting report and many other informations

During the IFCC/ECLM MEDILAB meeting (Novembre 1999), Dr Mauricio SUPPO presented 98/79/EC note published by European Union intitled "In Vitro Diagnostic Devices notation 98/79/EC", about diagnostic reagents. The slides are available on SFI/medical immunology website

Accreditation, go to the ANAES website


Quality Control in Switzerland
plus CUMUL, " a multilingual test directory for clinical laboratorians worldwide"
and the french version of LOINC, future directory of biomedical assays including autoimmunity, allergy, HLA..., in P3 subdivision of SNOMED (nomenclature of human medicine)

The provisory version of the guide de bonne exécution des analyses de biologie médicale is again available on Health ministry website, files section.

Vision 2000 Restructuring of the National Health Laboratory Service in South Africa

AMLI , Association of Medical Laboratory Immunologists, since 1987
It gathers scientists and clinicians involved in diagnostic immunology, subspecialties and related basic sciences.

- Practicing Pathology: College of American Pathologists Checklists, among them Immunology and syphylis serology, Flow Cytometry...


A free of charge journal Biotechniques: "Gene" the mouse doesn't talk any more, too bad

Immunology protocols on LabVelocity.
Antibodies (Antibody Conjugation, Antibody Preparation)
Cell-Specific Procedures (T Cells)
ELISA / Immunoassays (ELISA Substrates, General Detection Methods)
Flow Cytometry
Immunohistochemistry (Antigen Unmasking, Counterstaining, General Detection Methods, Sample-Specific Methods, Tissue Adhesion)
Immunoprecipitation (Anti-Phosphotyrosine Immunoprecipitation, Epitope-Tagged Protein Immunoprecipitation, Immunoprecipitation with Protein A/G Beads)
Infectious Disease Analysis
Ligand/Receptor Interactions
Virology (HIV Analysis)

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