
Overview of Protein Microarrays


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
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Protein microarray technology is an emerging field that provides a versatile platform for the characterization of hundreds of thousands of proteins in a highly parallel and high?throughput manner. Protein microarrays are composed of two major classes: analytical and functional. In addition, tissue or cell lysates can also be fractionated and spotted on a slide to form a reverse?phase protein microarray. Applications of protein microarrays, especially functional protein microarrays, have flourished over the past decade as the fabrication technology has matured. In this unit, advances in protein microarray technologies are reviewed, and then a series of examples are presented to illustrate the applications of analytical and functional protein microarrays in both basic and clinical research. Relevant areas of research include the detection of various binding properties of proteins, the study of protein post?translational modifications, the analysis of host?microbe interactions, profiling antibody specificity, and the identification of biomarkers in autoimmune diseases. Curr. Protoc. Protein Sci. 72:27.1.1?27.1.16. © 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: protein microarrays; PTM; biomarker; network; systems biology

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Types of Protein Microarrays
  • Fabrication of Protein Microarrays
  • Detection
  • Applications in Basic Research
  • Applications in Clinical Research
  • Future Prospects
  • Acknowledgements
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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  •   Figure 27.1.1 Three categories of protein microarrays. (A ) Analytical protein microarrays are mostly represented by antibody arrays and focus on protein detection. In this class of microarrays, targeted proteins can be detected either by direct labeling or using a reporter antibody in sandwich assay format. (B ) Functional protein microarrays have broad applications in studying protein interactions, including protein binding and enzyme‐substrate reactions. (C ) Reverse‐phase protein microarrays provide a different array format by immobilizing many different lysate samples on the same chip.
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Literature Cited

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