
Using VMD: An Introductory Tutorial


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



VMD (Visual Molecular Dynamics) is a molecular visualization and analysis program designed for biological systems such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipid bilayer assemblies, etc. This unit will serve as an introductory VMD tutorial. We will present several step?by?step examples of some of VMD's most popular features, including visualizing molecules in three dimensions with different drawing and coloring methods, rendering publication?quality figures, animating and analyzing the trajectory of a molecular dynamics simulation, scripting in the text?based Tcl/Tk interface, and analyzing both sequence and structure data for proteins. Curr. Protoc. Bioinform. 24:5.7.1?5.7.48. © 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: molecular modeling; molecular dynamics visualization; interactive visualization; animation

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Downloading VMD
  • Topics and Files
  • Working with a Single Molecule
  • Basic Protocol 1: Loading and Displaying the Molecule
  • Basic Protocol 2: The Basics of VMD Figure Rendering
  • Working with Trajectories and Making Movies
  • Basic Protocol 3: Working with Trajectories
  • Basic Protocol 4: The Basics of Movie Making in VMD
  • Scripting in VMD
  • Basic Protocol 5: The Basics of Tcl Scripting
  • Basic Protocol 6: Working with a Molecule Using Tcl Text Commands
  • Basic Protocol 7: Sourcing Scripts
  • Basic Protocol 8: Drawing Shapes Using VMD Text Commands
  • Working with Multiple Molecules
  • Basic Protocol 9: Molecule List Browser
  • Basic Protocol 10: Aligning Molecules with the measure fit Command
  • Comparing Protein Structures and Sequences with the MultiSeq Plugin
  • Basic Protocol 11: Structure Alignment with MultiSeq
  • Basic Protocol 12: Sequence Alignment with MultiSeq
  • Basic Protocol 13: Creating a Phylogenetic Tree with MultiSeq
  • Data Analysis in VMD
  • Basic Protocol 14: Adding Labels in VMD
  • Basic Protocol 15: Example of a Built‐In Analysis Tool: The RMSD Trajectory Tool
  • Basic Protocol 16: Example of an Analysis Script
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.1 Example renderings made with VMD (Cruz‐Chu et al., ; Freddolino et al., ; Yin et al., ; Yu et al., ; Sotomayor et al., ; Wang et al., ).
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.2 Loading a molecule.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.3 Rotational modes. (A ) Rotation axes when holding down the left mouse key. (B ) The rotation axes when holding down the right mouse key.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.4 Mouse modes and their characteristic cursors.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.5 The Graphical Representations window. (A ) List of representations, (B ) the tabs for Draw Style, Selections, Trajectory, and Periodic, (C ) Coloring Method pull‐down menu, (D ) Drawing Method pull‐down menu, (E ) user‐adjustable parameters for different drawing methods, and (F ) selection text entry box.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.6 (A ) Licorice, (B ) Tube, and (C ) NewCartoon representations of ubiquitin.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.7 Graphical Representations window and the (A ) Selections tab, (B ) list of Singlewords, (C ) list of Keywords, and (D ) Value box that displays possible choices for a given keyword.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.8 Multiple Representations of ubiquitin. Representations can be either created or deleted using the (A ) Create Rep and (B ) Delete Rep buttons. Screen also shows (C ) the Material pull‐down menu and (D ) list of representations.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.9 (A ) The VMD Sequence window displays properties of the protein sequence, including (B ) the B‐value and (C ) the secondary structure, denoted by (D ) the color codes. (E ) The list of residues is displayed, with the selected residues highlighted in yellow. (F ) Zoom controls are also shown in the window.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.10 The effect of the resolution setting. (A ) Low resolution: Sphere Resolution set to 8. (B ) High resolution: Sphere Resolution set to 28.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.11 Examples of different material settings. (A ) The default transparent material, rendered in GLSL mode. (B ) A user‐defined material with high transparency, also rendered in GLSG mode.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.12 Comparison of the (A ) perspective and (B ) orthographic projection modes.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.13 Stereo image of the ubiquitin protein. Shown here with Cue Mode = Linear, Cue Start = 1.5, and Cue End = 2.75. To view the stereo image, use the “wall‐eyed” method: hold the page close to eyes, and shift the focus beyond the page until the two images overlap to form a three‐dimensional object. If this is difficult, try scaling down the figure to a smaller size. This will make viewing easier.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.14 Example of a POV3 rendering.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.15 Animation tools in the VMD main menu. The tools allow one to go over frames of the trajectory (e.g., using the “slider”) and to play a movie of the trajectory in various modes (Once, Loop, or Rock) and at an adjustable speed.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.16 Image of every tenth frame shown at once, smoothed with a 20‐frame window.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.17 Water within 3 Å of the protein, shown for a selection that is not updated (A ) and for the one that is updated (B ) each frame. The snapshots shown are (from left to right) for frames 0, 17, and 99.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.18 Ubiquitin in the VDW representation, colored according to the hydrophobicity of its residues.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.19 The Molecule List Browser.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.20 Result of the alignment between the two aquaporins using the measure fit command.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.21 VMD Main menu after loading the four aquaporins.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.22 The four aquaporins aligned according to their structural similarity.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.23 Result of a structural alignment of the four aquaporins, colored by Qres .
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.24 Result of a sequence alignment of the four aquaporins, colored by sequence identity.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.25 Top view of the aligned aquaporins colored by sequence conservation. The conserved residues locate mostly inside the aquaporin pore.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.26 (A ) A structure‐based phylogenetic tree generated by QH values. (B ) A sequence‐based phylogenetic tree generated by ClustalW.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.27 Labels in VMD.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.28 RMSD Trajectory Tool. The RMSD is plotted for the equilibration of ubiquitin.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.29 RMSD versus time for the equilibration (blue) and pulling (red) trajectories of ubiquitin.
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  •   Figure Figure 5.7.30 Distance between a residue and the center of ubiquitin. The distances analyzed are those for residue 76 (black) and residue 10 (green).
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Literature Cited

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Supplemental Files
   Supplemental files can be downloaded from http://www.currentprotocols.com by clicking “Current Protocols” beneath the Bioinformatics head and following the Sample Datasets link.
   pdb coordinate file for human aquaporin (Murata et al., )
   pdb coordinate file for bovine aquaporin (Sui et al., )
   pdb coordinate file for E. coli GlpF (Tajkhorshid et al., )
   pdb coordinate file for E. coli aquaporin (Savage et al., )
   pdb coordinate file for ubiquitin (Vijay‐Kumar et al., )
   An example tcl script.
   An example tcl script.
   dcd molecular dynamics trajectory file of an equilibration simulation
   dcd molecular dynamics trajectory file of a protein‐pulling simulation
   An example fasta protein sequence file.
   psf structure file for ubiquitin that defines connectivity of atoms
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