
BACs, PACs, P1s and Plasmid Isolation Protocol (For low copy number)





1. Sterile Deionized Water (or TE Buffer)

2. 70% Ethanol

3. 96%-100% Isopropanol



1. Microcentrifuge capable of at least 18,000 x g

2. Sterile 1.5 ml Centrifuge Tubes

3. 10-15 ml Culture Tubes



1. Isolate a single colony from a freshly streaked selective plate, and inoculate a starter culture of 2-5 ml LB or YT medium containing the appropriate selective antibiotic. Incubate for ~ 20-24 hr at 37E C with vigorous shaking (~ 300 rpm). Use a flask with a volume at least 4 times the volume of the culture.

2. Pellet 1.5-5 ml bacteria by centrifugation at 13,000 x g for 3 min at room temperature. Decant or aspirate medium and discard.

3. Resuspend the bacterial pellet by adding 260 ul of Buffer T1/RNase A solution, and vortexing. Complete resuspension of cell pellet is vital for obtaining good yields.

4. Add 260 ul of Buffer T2 and gently mix by inverting 5-10 times to obtain a clear lysate. Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes. Avoid vigorous mixing as this will shear chromosomal DNA and lower plasmid purity. The lysate should appear viscous. Do not allow the lysis reaction to proceed more than 5 min. (Store Buffer T2 tightly capped when not in use)

5. Add 260 ul of Chilled Buffer T3 and gently mix by inverting 15-20 times until a flocculent white precipitate forms. Incubate on ice for 5 minutes.

Do not vortex, as this will result in shearing.

6. Centrifuge at 18,000 x g for 10 minutes at 4o C. Promptly proceed to the next step.

7. Carefully aspirate and add the clear supernatant to a HiBind DNA Column assembled in a provided 2 ml collection tube. Ensure that the pellet is not disturbed and that no cellular debris has carried over into the column. Centrifuge for 1 min at 13,000 x g at room temperature to completely pass lysate through the HiBind DNA Column.

8. Discard the HiBind DNA Column and add 2 ul of the supplied linear polyacrylamides to the 2 ml collection tube containing the cleared cell lysate. Add a 0.7 volume of room temperature isopropanol to the samples. ( 546 ul of isopropanol for 780 ul of cell lysate). Mix the sample by vortexing for 15 seconds.

9. Centrifuge at 18,000 x g for 10 minutes at room temperature to pellet the DNA. Carefully aspirate or decant the supernatant and discard, making sure not to dislodge the DNA pellet.

10. Wash the DNA pellet with 500 ul of 70% ethanol. Centrifuge the 2 ml collection tube containing pellet (in the same orientation as before) for10 minutes. Carefully aspirate or decant the supernatant, being careful not to dislodge the DNA pellet. Invert the tube containing the DNA pellet on a paper towel for 10-15 min to air dry the DNA pellet. Note: Ensure that no alcohol droplets are visible after air drying, with out overdrying the DNA pellet. Overdrying of the DNA pellet will make redissolving the pellet difficult.

11. Redissolve the DNA pellet by adding 30-50 ul of Elution Buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5), and incubating overnight at room temperature

12. Yield and quality of DNA: Determine the absorbance of an appropriate dilution of the sample at 260 nm and then at 280 nm. The DNA concentration is calculated as follows: 260 DNA concentration = A x 50 x (Dilution Factor) :g/ml 260 280 A ratio of (A ) / (A ) is an indication of nucleic acid purity. Alternatively, yield (as well as quality) can sometimes be best determined by agarose gel/ethidium bromide electrophoresis.
