
Some Phenotype Association Tools in Galaxy: Looking for Disease SNPs in a Full Genome


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



This unit focuses on some of the tools available on the public Galaxy server that are useful for exploring possible associations between human genetic variants and phenotypes. We trace step?by?step through an example illustrating several methods for examining a single full?coverage genome to look for single?nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are either known to be associated with disease or suspected to have impact for other reasons. It makes use of public genomic data, tools designed specifically for working with variants, and also some general tools for text manipulation and operations on genomic coordinates. Curr. Protoc. Bioinform. 39:15.2.1?15.2.27. © 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: disease; SNP; genome variation; coding; non?coding; gene?based analysis; Web application

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Basic Protocol 1: Using Galaxy to Look for Disease SNPs in a Full Genome: Preparing Input Data
  • Basic Protocol 2: Selecting Known Coding SNPs Predicted to be Damaging, then Finding Their Genes and Associated Pathways
  • Basic Protocol 3: Running New Predictions of Coding SNPs Likely to be Detrimental
  • Basic Protocol 4: Finding SNPs that Fall in Suspected Functional Regions
  • Guidelines for Understanding Results
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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  •   Figure 15.2.1 Uploading a data file. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.2 Converting to pgSnp format. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.3 Putative SNP Phenotypes library. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.4 Removing SNPs found in healthy individuals. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.5 Completed input dataset. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.6 Details about the PolyPhen‐2 dataset. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.7 Joining on genomic intervals. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.8 Selecting damaging results. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.9 PolyPhen‐2 results. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.10 Mapping between identifiers. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.11 Choosing the identifier fields. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.12 Joining on identifiers. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.13 CTD. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.14 CTD results. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.15 Input for SIFT. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.16 Viewing the workflow. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.17 Running the workflow. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.18 SIFT. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.19 Selecting damaging SNPs. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.20 SIFT results. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.21 Intersecting with the PRPs. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.22 SNPs in PRPs. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.23 DNase hypersensitive sites (HSSs) from ENCODE. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.24 Intersecting with the HSSs. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.25 SNPs in HSSs. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.26 PhyloP. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.27 Distribution of phyloP scores. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.28 Histogram. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.29 Filtering the SNPs based on phyloP score. See text for details.
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  •   Figure 15.2.30 Highly conserved SNPs. See text for details.
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Literature Cited

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Internet Resources
   The main public instance of Galaxy.
   A collection of human phenotype‐associated SNPs from Locus‐Specific Databases.
   A version of this tutorial in HTML format.
   Descriptions of file formats used by the UCSC Table Browser.
Supplementary File
   This is an alternate URL to access the file “test.masterVar.gz” cited in , Necessary Resources, Files on page 15.2.3.
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