
Using Cloud Computing Infrastructure with CloudBioLinux, CloudMan, and Galaxy


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



Cloud computing has revolutionized availability and access to computing and storage resources, making it possible to provision a large computational infrastructure with only a few clicks in a Web browser. However, those resources are typically provided in the form of low?level infrastructure components that need to be procured and configured before use. In this unit, we demonstrate how to utilize cloud computing resources to perform open?ended bioinformatic analyses, with fully automated management of the underlying cloud infrastructure. By combining three projects, CloudBioLinux, CloudMan, and Galaxy, into a cohesive unit, we have enabled researchers to gain access to more than 100 preconfigured bioinformatics tools and gigabytes of reference genomes on top of the flexible cloud computing infrastructure. The protocol demonstrates how to set up the available infrastructure and how to use the tools via a graphical desktop interface, a parallel command?line interface, and the Web?based Galaxy interface. Curr. Protoc. Bioinform. 38:11.9.1?11.9.20. © 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: accessible cloud computing; enabling bioinformatics analyses; turnkey computing system

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Basic Protocol 1: An Introduction to Cloud Computing and Access to Cloud Resources via CloudBioLinux and CloudMan
  • Support Protocol 1: Access Your CloudBioLinux Instance Using Graphical Desktop Interface
  • Support Protocol 2: Access Your CloudBioLinux Instance Using the Command‐Line Method
  • Basic Protocol 2: Performing Visual Analysis with the CloudBioLinux Graphical User Interface
  • Basic Protocol 3: Using a CloudMan Cluster to Perform a Parallel Analysis
  • Basic Protocol 4: Using a Private, Scalable Galaxy Analysis Environment on Top of CloudMan
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
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Basic Protocol 1: An Introduction to Cloud Computing and Access to Cloud Resources via CloudBioLinux and CloudMan

  Necessary Resources
  • Computer with Internet access and any up‐to‐date Web browser (Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer)
  • An AWS account with the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Simple Storage Service (S3) services enabled. To sign up for an account, visit http://aws.amazon.com and click the Sign Up Now link. Basic background information on the EC2 and S3 services can also be found at this page.
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  •   Figure 11.9.1 A snapshot of the BioCloudCentral portal showing all the form fields that are required to instantiate a CloudBioLinux and CloudMan instance.
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  •   Figure 11.9.2 BioCloudCentral monitor page showing the details about the started instance. This page provides a direct link to the new instance as well as an option to download user data. These user data can be used to restart this same instance from the AWS console by uploading it in the instance wizard request form.
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  •   Figure 11.9.3 The CloudMan Web console used to manage the cluster.
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  •   Figure 11.9.4 The initial CloudMan cluster configuration box. Here, it is possible to choose from the different cluster types supported by CloudMan. Depending on the cluster type, input may be required.
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  •   Figure 11.9.5 The main CloudMan interface used to control and manage the cloud cluster. Through this interface, it is possible to add and remove nodes from the cluster, monitor the status of cluster services, and manage cluster features such as auto‐scaling and instance sharing.
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  •   Figure 11.9.6 The NX client properties box specifying the IP address of the instance and the choice of GNOME desktop—both are required to establish a successful connection.
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  •   Figure 11.9.7 The remote CloudBioLinux graphical interface. Via this interface, it is possible to interact with the system as if it was a local workstation; standard Ubuntu menus and tools are available via the point‐and‐click interface.
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  •   Figure 11.9.8 ClustalX application on the remote instance with the sample dataset loaded.
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  •   Figure 11.9.9 A snapshot of the MyBayes block (file SP1_file2.nxs) that needs to be manually adjusted with the results from step 5 of . Append the edited block to the end of file SP1_file1.nxs and save the resulting file as SP1_file3.nxs.
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  •   Figure 11.9.10 Galaxy history view with the two RNA datasets transferred from modENCODE.
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  •   Figure 11.9.11 The Cuffcompare tool interface within Galaxy with all the options described in , step 7, selected.
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  •   Figure 11.9.12 List of Gene Ontology terms found over‐represented in the submitted dataset, ordered by their corresponding p values, as returned by the DAVID tool.
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Literature Cited

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Key Reference
   Afgan, E., Baker, D., Coraor, N., Goto, H., Paul, I.M., Makova, K.D., Nekrutenko, A., and Taylor, J. 2011. Harnessing cloud computing with Galaxy cloud. Nat. Biotechnol. 29:972‐974.
   This article gives more detailed background and description as to the available features and perceived functionality when trying to use functionality described within this unit.
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