
Evaluation of Electrostatic Interactions


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



Described here are several computational procedures for the analysis of electrostatic interactions in molecular complexes, all based on a continuum model of solvation. The first section describes how to compute the residual potential, a measure of how electrostatically complementary a ligand is for its receptor. The second procedure describes electrostatic component analysis, a method by which the electrostatic contribution to the binding free energy can be broken up into terms directly attributable to individual chemical groups. Finally, electrostatic affinity optimization is described. This procedure is particularly useful in determining what portions of a ligand are the most suboptimal, and thus provide the greatest opportunity for the design of improvements.

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Table of Contents

  • Basic Protocol 1: Analysis of Electrostatic Complementarity
  • Basic Protocol 2: Electrostatic Component Analysis
  • Basic Protocol 3: Electrostatic Affinity Optimization
  • Guidelines for Understanding Results
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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Basic Protocol 1: Analysis of Electrostatic Complementarity

  Necessary Resources
  • Silicon Graphics (SGI) computer running the IRIX operating system.
  • Scripts and GRASP macros for computing and processing electrostatic potentials (http://web.mit.edu/tidor/www/residual)
  • GRASP (Nicholls et al., ; http://trantor.bioc.columbia.edu/grasp) or equivalent software capable of displaying electrostatic potentials on a molecular surface
  • PDB‐format coordinate file with all chains of the ligand labeled A and all chains of the receptor labeled B
  • DelPhi‐format charge and atomic radius files (Fig. A and B) for the complex of interest
  • Several such files are included with GRASP.
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  •   Figure 8.3.1 (A ) Example of a charge file for the complex of interest in DelPhi format. Each line of this file contains one charge entry. The first column is the atom name, the second the residue name, the third the residue ID, the fourth column the chain ID, and the fifth column the partial atomic charge. Two example lines are shown for a backbone NH group, with the nitrogen having a partial charge of −0.4 and the hydrogen +0.4. (B ) Example of a radius file for the complex of interest. Each line of this file contains one radius entry. The first column is the atom name, the second is the residue name, and the third is the atomic radius. Again, two example lines are shown, the nitrogen having a radius of 1.5 Å, the hydrogen 1.0 Å.
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  •   Figure 8.3.2 Increased electrostatic complementarity is indicated by a smaller magnitude residual potential. The large negative residual potential on the left‐hand side is reduced in the right‐hand figure. The ligand on the right has a several additional positively charged residues that interact with negative groups on the receptor.
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  •   Figure 8.3.3 The electrostatic binding free energy (Δ G es ) varies quadratically with ligand charge ( Q l ). The desolvation free energy of the ligand (D G hyd l ) varies with the square of the charges on the ligand, while the free energy of interaction with the receptor (Δ G int l,r ) varies linearly with the ligand charges. As the receptor desolvation free energy (Δ G hyd r ) is independent of the ligand charges, the net electrostatic binding free energy is a quadratic function of the ligand charge distribution. As a result, there is a single minimum on the free energy surface, corresponding to the optimal ligand charge distribution.
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Literature Cited

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Key References
   Hendsch and Tidor, 1999. See above.
   Contains a detailed description of the implementation of component analysis and its application to the GCN4 leucine zipper.
   Lee and Tidor, 1997. See above.
   Outlines the theory behind the optimization of electrostatic binding free energy.
   Kangas and Tidor, 1998. See above.
   A detailed description of the electrostatic optimization procedure, including a definition of electrostatic complementarity.
Internet Resources
   Obtaining the Residual Potential Web site.
   The Grasp Web site.
   The DelPhi Web site.
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