
Revised amino-allyl labeling protocol


Pat Brown's Lab ,Department of Biochemistry and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute http://cmgm.stanford.edu/pbrown/protocols/amino-allyl.htm

A. RT Reaction



1. To anneal primer, mix 1-2 m g mRNA with 5 ug of anchored oligo-dT [(dT)20 -VN] (Operon, HPLC purified) in a total volume of 18 m L. One reaction for sample mRNA and one for reference mRNA .




oligo dT


5 m g of 2.5 m g/ m L


2 m L


mRNA /water


1-2 m g


16 m L


2. Heat to 70C for 10 minutes. Cool on ice for 5 minutes.


3. Add 11.6 m L of nucleotide mix to each of Cy3 and Cy5 reactions.



Nucleotide Mix for one reaction


5X RT buffer


50X dNTP stock solution




Superscript II RT (Gibco)


RNasin (Gibco, optional)






200U/ m L


40U/ m L


6.0 m L











50X dNTP stock solution using a 4:1 ratio aminoallyl-dUTP to dTTundefined*~I_~K~Hspan~M~K~Hp~M~2~1~Kp~M 

10 m L each 100 mM dATP, dGTP, dCTP (Pharmacia)

8 m L 100 mM aminoallyl-dUTundefined_~ASigma~E_~5A0410~B~K~Hspan~M~K~Hp~M~2~1____________~Kp~M 

2 m L 100 mM dTTP




1X dNTP final concentration during labeling


500 m M each dATP, dCTP, dGTP


400 m M aminoallyl-dUTP


100 m M dTTP



4. Incubate reaction for 1 hour at 42C. Add additional 1 m L reverse transcriptase and continue incubation at 42C for an additional 1 hour.



B. Hydrolysis



1. Degrade RNA by addition of 15 m L of 0.1 N NaOH. Incubate at 70C for 10 minutes


2. Neutralize by addition of 15 m L 0.1 N HCl.



To continue with the amino-allyl dye coupling procedure, all Tris must be removed from the reaction to prevent the monofunctional NHS-ester Cy-dyes from coupling to free amine groups in solution.



3. Add 450 m L water to each reaction.



C. Cleanup



Add 500 m L neutralized, diluted reaction mix to a Microcon-30 filter (Amicon).



Spin at 12g for 7 minutes.



Discard flow through.



Repeat process two more times, refilling original filter with 450 m L water. Concentrate to 10 m L. Samples can be stored at -20C indefinitely.



D. Coupling



Add 0.5 m L 1M sodium bicarbonate, pH 9.0 to 50 mM final. Check 1M stock solution periodically for fluctuations in pH.



Monofunctional NHS-ester Cy3 (PA23001) and Cy5 dye (PA25001, Amersham) is supplied as a dry pellet. Each tube is sufficient to label 10 reactions under normal conditions. Dissolve dry pellet in 20 m L DMSO. Aliquot 2 m L into 10 single use tubes that are then dried in vacuo and store desiccated at 4C. NHS-ester conjugated Cy dye is rapidly hydrolyzed in water, therefore, do not store in DMSO or water. Decreasing the number of aliquots/dye tube may increase your signal.



If you have already made aliquots of dye, simply transfer your cDNA in bicarbonate buffer (10.5 m L) to the aliquot of dye. Alternatively, dissolve Cy dye in 10 ul DMSO and add 1 m L of dye to 10.5 m L of the cDNA reaction. 10% DMSO in the coupling reaction will not affect the chemical reaction. Aliquot unused dye and dry immediately.



Incubate 1 hour at RT in the dark. Mix every 15 minutes.



E. Quenching and Cleanup



Before combining Cy3 and Cy5 samples for hybridization, unreactive NHS-ester Cy dye must be quenched to prevent cross coupling.


Add 4.5 m L 4M hydroxylamine (Sigma).



Let reaction incubate 15 minutes in the dark.



To remove unincorporated/quenched Cy dyes, proceed with Qia-Quick PCR purification kit (QIAGEN). Method described below is as specified by manufacturer.



Combine Cy3 and Cy5 reactions.


Add 70 m L water.


Add 500 m L Buffer PB.


Apply to Qia-quick column and spin at 13K for 30-60 seconds. (optional: reapply flow-though for optimal binding).


Decant flow-through.


Add 750 m L Buffer PE and spin 30-60 seconds.


Decant flow-through.


Spin at high speed to dry column.


Transfer spin unit to fresh eppendorf tube.


Add 30 m L Buffer EB to center of filter and allow to sit 3 minutes at RT.


Spin at 13K rpm for 1 minute.


Repeat elution step again with another 30 m L of Buffer EB.


Pool eluates.



Add 20 m L (20 m g) Cot DNA (Gibco).


Add 420 TE and apply to fresh Microcon-30 filter.


Spin 12,000g to a volume of 29 m L or less.



For 38 m L array hybridization:


29 m L cDNA probe in TE


1 m L polyA (10 m g; Sigma P9403)


1 m L tRNA (10 m g; Gibco #15401-029)


7 m L 20X SSC


1.2 m L SDS 10%





Heat to 100C for 2 minutes. Let stand 15 minutes RT.


Apply 38 m L to 40K array.
