
Automated Three‐Chambered Social Approach Task for Mice


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



Autism is diagnosed by three major symptom categories: unusual reciprocal social interactions, impaired communication, and repetitive behaviors with restricted interests. Direct social approach in mice has strong face validity to simple social approach behaviors in humans, which are frequently impaired in autism. This unit presents a basic protocol for a standardized, high?throughput social approach test for assaying mouse sociability. Our automated three?chambered social approach task quantifies direct social approach behaviors when a subject mouse is presented with the choice of spending time with either a novel mouse or a novel object. Sociability is defined as the subject mouse spending more time in the chamber containing the novel target mouse than in the chamber containing the inanimate novel object. The Basic Protocol describes procedures for testing one subject at a time in a single apparatus. A Support Protocol addresses data collection. Curr. Protoc. Neurosci. 56:8.26.1?8.26.16. © 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: autism; social behaviors; sociability; social approach; three?chambered task; mouse models; automated behavioral test

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Basic Protocol 1: Automated Three‐Chambered Social Approach Task
  • Support Protocol 1: Data Collection
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
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Basic Protocol 1: Automated Three‐Chambered Social Approach Task

  • Subject mice: e.g., C57BL/6J (B6) and FVB.129P2‐Pde6b+ Tyrc‐ch /AntJ (FVB/AntJ) adult mice (The Jackson Laboratory) or C57BL/6N and FVB/NJ (e.g., Charles River Laboratories or Taconic Farms) between 8 weeks and 6 months of age (see Critical Parameters)
  • Target mice (novel mice): e.g., 129/SvImJ adult mice (The Jackson Laboratory) between 8 weeks and 6 months of age, preferably of the same sex and approximate body weight (within 5 g) as the subjects (see Critical Parameters)
  • Odorless mild dish soap and long‐handled dish sponge
  • 70% (v/v) ethanol in labeled spray bottle
  • Tap water in labeled spray bottle
  • Test room, with minimal cues visible to the subject
  • Two (or more) gooseneck desk lamps with incandescent 75‐watt light bulbs
  • Lux meter (Fisher Scientific)
  • Automated three‐chambered social test apparatus: e.g., Crawley automated three‐chambered social approach apparatus for mice, hardware and software [(Fig. ; Dold Labs and Engineering; (830)560‐1471, , )]; Ugo Basile, cat. no. 46503; Stoelting, cat. no. 60450
  • Computer (Dell desktop, or similar PC) with software provided by the manufacturer of the automated three‐chambered social test apparatus (Dold Labs and Engineering)
  • Automated video tracking systems, optional (e.g., see www.noldus.com/animal‐behavior‐research/solutions/research‐small‐lab‐animals/sociability‐test; Page et al., )
  • Heavy‐duty utility paper towels
  • Cameras (preferably CCTV security cameras, e.g., Panasonic WV‐CP280) with mounting bracket
  • DVD recorder (if recording with CCTV cameras)
  • TV monitor (if recording with CCTV cameras)
  • Video cables
  • BNC and RCA connectors
  • Blank DVDs
  • Standard mouse group‐housing cages
  • Marking pen (dark), and (if preferred) paw tattoos, ear punches, ear tags, or subcutaneous transponders
  • Paper tube or small cup (for transporting mouse)
  • Soft facial tissues
  • 3.8‐cm bottom diameter, rust‐proof/rust‐resistant, noncorrosive, steel wire pencil cups (e.g., see http://www.kitchen‐plus.com; Fig. )
  • Holding area: dedicated room or quiet area near the testing room
  • Index cards and broad tip markers
  • Stopwatches without beepers or with beepers silenced (See Fig. )
  • Plastic drinking cups filled with small heavy objects (to place on top of the inverted wire pencil cups)
NOTE : All protocols using live animals must first be reviewed and approved by an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and must follow officially approved procedures for the care and use of laboratory animals.
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  •   Figure 8.26.1 The social approach apparatus is a rectangular three‐chambered box. Each chamber measures 20 cm (length) × 40.5 cm (width) × 22 cm (height). Dividing walls are made from clear Plexiglas, with small openings (10‐cm width × 5‐cm height) that allow access into each chamber. The center chamber is the start location. The weighted cup on top of the wire cup prevents climbing. The empty wire cup in the right chamber is the novel object. Photobeams are embedded across each doorway. An automated photobeam detector registers time spent in each chamber and number of transitions. This social approach apparatus and the accompanying software program are designed and manufactured by Dold Labs and Engineering.
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  •   Figure 8.26.2 Stopwatches that emit a beeping sound can be silenced by removing an internal metal part from the inner surface of the back panel.
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  •   Figure 8.26.3 Adult male C57BL/6J (B6) and FVB/AntJ mice displayed sociability, defined as spending more time in the chamber containing the novel mouse than in the chamber containing the novel object (A ), and more time sniffing the novel mouse than sniffing the novel object (B ). Adult male BTBR T+ tf /J (BTBR) mice did not display sociability, spending similar amounts of time in the chamber containing the novel mouse and in the chamber containing the novel object (A), and similar amounts of time sniffing the novel mouse and sniffing the novel object (B). B6 ( n = 12), FVB/Ant ( n = 16) and BTBR ( n = 12). The asterisks ( ) indicate p < 0.01 for the comparison between novel mouse and novel object. This figure is reproduced from Silverman et al. (), with permission from the Nature Publishing Group.
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  •   Figure 8.26.4 Significant correlation between time spent in chamber and sniff time in C57BL/6J adult male mice ( n = 72; M. Yang, M.D. Weber, A.M. Clarke, and V. Zhodzishsky, unpub. observ.).
    View Image


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