snip-SNP mapping with CB4856 polymorphisms
<center> <h1> snip-SNP mapping with CB4856 polymorphisms</h1> </center>
- Worm Lysis Buffer
- PCR reagents
- PCR primers flanking a SNP
- 2X restriction mix with the appropriate enzyme
Generate recombinant lines for the mutation of interest
- Mate your strain homozygous for the mutation of interest with the polymorphic strain CB4856
- Pick 6-8 F1 cross-progeny to individual plates
Pick F2 animals homozygous for your mutation to individual plates to establish lines
- For maternal-effect mutations, pick all F2s to individual plates and keep the ones showing the mutant phenotype
Prepare template DNA for SNP-analysis
- Pick mutant F2 animals individually into 20 ul H2O in PCR tubes
- Add 20 ul of 2X worm lysis buffer (w/ freshly added proteinase K) to each tube
- Process template as for Single Worm PCR
Amplify polymorphic region by PCR
- Aliqout 22.5 ul of PCR reaction mix to individual tubes
- Add 2.5 ul of template DNA to each
PCR Buffer
10X Buffer
25 mM dNTPs
forward primer
20 uM primer
reverse primer
20 uM primer
template DNA
DNA template
Taq Polymerase
H2 0
Run PCR reaction for 35 cycles with the following parameters:
- 10 secs @ 94 degrees, 10 secs @ 55 degrees, extension time (approx 30 secs/500bps) @ 72
Determine polymorphism carried by each recombinant worm using restriction digests
Add 8 ul 2X restriction mix to 8 ul PCR product (contains 50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris 8.3, 1.5 mM MgCl2 )
- 2X restriction mix (volumes for 50 rxns)
Tris (pH7.5)
H2 O
Add 8 ul 2X restriction mix to 8 ul PCR product (contains 50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris 8.3, 1.5 mM MgCl2 )