CD43 分子
常用单克隆抗体或代号: OTH71C5,G19- 1;(Leukosialin,Sialophorin)
主要表达细胞: T,G,M [NL]
分子质量(kDa)和结构: gp95- 135
功 能: T细胞活化、增殖和粘附,与CD54结合
Aka leukosialin, sialophorin
Appears to be an anti-adhesive molecule mediating repulsion between leukocytes and other cells, although it may act as an adhesion molecule under other circumstances
Expression defective in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, although secondary to X linked genetic defect; causes defects in cytotoxic and helper T cell functions
Positive staining (normal): Most T cells, activated B cells, NK cells, granulocytes, monocytes, megakaryocytes, brain
Positive staining (disease): 80% of T cell lymphomas; coexpressed with CD20 in SLL but not benign lesions; granulocytic sarcomas, AML, most ALLs, plasmacytomas; mast cell disease (also positive for tryptase, CD68, CD117)
Micro images: granulocytic sarcoma, mantle cell lymphoma
Micro images (AJSP subscribers): chronic active myocarditis (figure B)