Human Evoked Potentials
After the current section, the history (1.2. ) of evoked potentials (EP—for abbreviations, see the end of this chapter) is briefly presented, followed by a discussion of how EPs can be broken down into components (1.3. ). General methodology (2. ) is then presented, covering recording techniques (2.l. ), including electrodes and their placement (2.1.1. ), reference electrodes (2.1.2. ), EEG amplifying, filtering, and digitizing (2.1.3. ), and recording artifacts (2.1.4. ). The discussion of methodology then turns to analysis techniques (2.2. ), from averaging and peak detection (2.2.l. ), and alternative analysis methods (2.2.2. ), to factor analysis (2.2.3. ), spectral analysis (2.2.4. ), and topographical display (2.2.5. ). Increasing use is being made of methods of generator localization (2.3. ), from scalp EPs (2.3.1. ), from evoked magnetic fields (2.3.2. ), and from depth recordings and brain lesions (2.3.3. ).