
Circular Dichroism to Study Protein Interactions


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



Circular dichroism (CD) is a powerful technique for studying the structures of proteins in solution, as well as structural changes that may occur when proteins bind to ligands. Changes in CD signals accompanying complex formation can be used to determine the strength of the interaction and to provide information about the nature and extent of the conformational changes involved. This unit outlines the type of information available from CD studies and describes how such experiments should be carried out to ensure that reliable information is obtained.

Keywords: circular dichroism; protein structure; conformational change; ligand binding

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Table of Contents

  • Strategic Planning
  • Basic Protocol 1: CD Titration to Monitor Binding
  • Basic Protocol 2: Analysis of CD Data to Determine Binding Constants
  • Support Protocol 1: Analysis of Far‐UV CD Data to Determine Secondary Structure Content
  • Support Protocol 2: Assessment of Stability of Protein During Titration
  • Support Protocol 3: Choice of Buffer and Solvent System
  • Support Protocol 4: Determination of Protein Concentration
  • Support Protocol 5: Calibration of CD Instrument
  • Support Protocol 6: Choice of Instrument Parameters
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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  •   Figure 20.10.1 CD spectra of the molybdate‐sensing protein ModE from E. coli in the absence (solid line) and presence (dashed line) of 1 mM molybdate. Panels A and B represent the near‐UV and far‐UV CD spectra, respectively. The data are adapted from Anderson et al. () and Boxer et al. ().
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  •   Figure 20.10.2 Far‐UV CD spectra of the adenylyl cyclase toxin of Bordetella pertussis (CyaA) in the absence (solid line) and presence (dashed line) of 1 mM calcium chloride. The data are adapted from Cheung et al. (unpub. observ.).
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  •   Figure 20.10.3 Analysis of binding data. Panel A illustrates nonlinear fitting to Equation . The resultant values are Δθmax = 15.97 mdeg (standard error 0.03 mdeg), and K d = 34.9 µM (standard error 0.2 µM). Panel B shows a Scatchard plot according to Equation . In this plot, the slope = −1/ K d ; hence, K d can be calculated to be 35 µM. The intercept on the y ‐axis = Δθmax ; hence, Δθmax = 16 mdeg. Whereas the nonlinear fitting is useful for indicating the errors in the estimates of the binding parameters, the Scatchard plot can indicate whether there are systematic deviations from the hyperbolic binding model. In this example, the ligand concentration is assumed to be much larger than that of the protein, so that [L]free can be set equal to [Lt ] in the plots.
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  •   Figure 20.10.4 Analysis of specimen binding data using the Hill plot according to Equation . The slope of the plot is the Hill coefficient; this can be calculated to be 2.5, indicating a significant degree of cooperativity in ligand binding. From the point of intersection of line with the x ‐axis, the value of K can be calculated to be 5500 µM (Equation ).
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Literature Cited

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Internet Resources
   The home page of the Scottish Circular Dichroism Facility contains an explanation of the theory and practice of CD and has links to other important CD sites.
   The DICHROWEB server for online analysis of far‐UV CD spectra (Lobley et al., ; Whitmore and Wallace, ).
   The ProtParam tool within the ExPASy Website calculates the extinction coefficient for a native protein according to the equation proposed by Pace et al. () (Equation ). Also see UNIT .
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