
Engineering Customized TALE Nucleases (TALENs) and TALE Transcription Factors by Fast Ligation‐Based Automatable Solid‐Phase High‐Throughput (FLASH) A


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



Customized DNA?binding domains made using transcription activator?like effector (TALE) repeats are rapidly growing in importance as widely applicable research tools. TALE nucleases (TALENs), composed of an engineered array of TALE repeats fused to the FokI nuclease domain, have been used successfully for directed genome editing in various organisms and cell types. TALE transcription factors (TALE?TFs), consisting of engineered TALE repeat arrays linked to a transcriptional regulatory domain, have been used to up? or downregulate expression of endogenous genes in human cells and plants. This unit describes a detailed protocol for the recently described fast ligation?based automatable solid?phase high?throughput (FLASH) assembly method. FLASH enables automated high?throughput construction of engineered TALE repeats using an automated liquid handling robot or manually using a multichannel pipet. Using the automated approach, a single researcher can construct up to 96 DNA fragments encoding TALE repeat arrays of various lengths in a single day, and then clone these to construct sequence?verified TALEN or TALE?TF expression plasmids in a week or less. Plasmids required for FLASH are available by request from the Joung lab (http://eGenome.org). This unit also describes improvements to the Zinc Finger and TALE Targeter (ZiFiT Targeter) web server (http://ZiFiT.partners.org) that facilitate the design and construction of FLASH TALE repeat arrays in high throughput. Curr. Protoc. Mol. Biol. 103:12.16.1?12.16.18. © 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: FLASH; TALEN; TALE; TAL effector; TALE activator

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Basic Protocol 1: Identification of Target Sites Using ZiFiT Targeter Software
  • Basic Protocol 2: Flash Assembly of DNA Encoding TALE Repeat Arrays
  • Support Protocol 1: Preparation of the α Unit
  • Support Protocol 2: Preparation of Extension and Termination Units
  • Basic Protocol 3: Cloning and Sequence Verification of TALEN or TALE‐TF Expression Vectors
  • Reagents and Solutions
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
  • Tables
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Basic Protocol 1: Identification of Target Sites Using ZiFiT Targeter Software

  • ZiFiT web‐based software (http://ZiFiT.partners.org)
  • Repeat Masker web‐based software (http://www.repeatmasker.org)
  • Genomic sequence of locus to be targeted
  • Computer with internet browser and internet connection

Basic Protocol 2: Flash Assembly of DNA Encoding TALE Repeat Arrays

  • Digested FLASH reagents:
    • α unit (see protocol 3 )
    • Extension unit (encoding two or four repeats; see protocol 4 )
    • Termination unit (encoding one, two, or three TALE repeats; see protocol 4 )
  • 2× quick ligation buffer (QLB; see recipe )
  • T4 DNA ligase (New England Biolabs, cat. no. M0202L)
  • 20 U/µl Bsa I‐HF with 10× NEBuffer 4 (New England Biolabs, cat. no. R3535L)
  • 5 U/µl Bbs I with 10× NEBuffer 2 (New England Biolabs, cat. no. R0539L)
  • DEPC‐treated water (see recipe )
  • Phosphorylated capping oligo (see recipe )
  • 2× B&W buffer (see recipe )
  • 1× bovine serum albumin (BSA): dilute 100× stock (10 mg/ml, New England Biolabs, cat. no. B9001S) in nuclease‐free DEPC‐treated water
  • SciClone G3 (Caliper) or comparable liquid handling system (for high throughput) or multichannel pipet (12‐channel, 20‐200 and 10‐100 µl; for medium throughput)
  • 96‐well PCR plates
  • 96‐well StrepMax streptavidin‐coated plates (Thermo Scientific, cat. no. AB‐1226)
  • Thermocycler
  • Orbital platform shaker with adjustable speed
  • MinElute PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen cat. no. 28006)
  • 1.5‐ml microcentrifuge tubes

Support Protocol 1: Preparation of the α Unit

  • 10 mM dNTPs (Roche, cat. no. 11969064001)
  • Plasmids encoding α units (available from Joung lab, http://eGenome.org)
  • Expand High‐Fidelity PCR System (Roche, cat. no. 11732641001)
  • 10 pmol/µl biotinylated forward PCR primer oJS2581: 5′‐biotin‐TCTAGAGAAGACAAGAACCTGACC‐3′
  • 10 pmol/µl reverse PCR primer oJS2582: 5′‐GGATCCGGTCTCTTAAGGCCGTGG‐3′
  • DEPC‐treated water (see recipe )
  • 20 U/µl Bsa I‐HF with 10× NEBuffer 4 (New England Biolabs, cat. no. R3535L)
  • 1.5‐ml PCR tubes
  • Thermocycler
  • QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen, cat. no. 28106)
  • Additional reagents and equipment for quantifying microvolumes of DNA ( appendix 3D or )

Support Protocol 2: Preparation of Extension and Termination Units

  • Plasmids encoding extension and termination units (available from Joung lab, http://eGenome.org)
  • Bbs I with 10× NEBuffer 2 (New England Biolabs, cat. no. R0539L)
  • Bam HI‐HF with 10× NEBuffer 4 (New England Biolabs, cat. no. R3136L)
  • Xba I with 10× NEBuffer 4 (New England Biolabs, cat. no. R0145L)
  • Sal I‐HF with 10× NEBuffer 4 (New England Biolabs, cat. no. R3138L)
  • DEPC‐treated water (see recipe )
  • 100× bovine serum albumin (BSA, 10 mg/ml, New England Biolabs, cat. no. B9001S)
  • 1.5‐ml microcentrifuge tubes
  • Thermocycler
  • QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen, cat. no. 28106)
  • Additional reagents and equipment for quantifying microvolumes of DNA ( appendix 3D or )

Basic Protocol 3: Cloning and Sequence Verification of TALEN or TALE‐TF Expression Vectors

  • TALEN and/or TALE activator expression vector (Addgene, see Table 12.16.1 )
  • Bsm BI with NEBuffer 3 (New England Biolabs, cat. no. R0580L)
  • DEPC‐treated water (see recipe )
  • Agencourt AMPure XP beads (Agencourt/Beckman Genomics, cat. no. A63881; for TALENs only)
  • Purified TALE repeat array constructs (see protocol 2 )
  • Quick ligation buffer (QLB, see recipe )
  • 400 U/µl T4 DNA Ligase (New England Biolabs, cat. no. M0202L)
  • Chemically competent XL1‐Blue bacterial cells (recA1 endA1 gyrA96 thi‐1 hsdR17 supE44 relA1 lac [F′ proAB lacIq lacZDM15 Tn10 (TetR)]; Stratagene, cat no. 200249)
  • LB medium powder (Difco, cat. no. 244620)
  • LB agar medium powder (Difco, cat. no 244520)
  • Carbenicillin (Sigma, cat. no. C1389)
  • Phusion High‐Fidelity DNA polymerase (Phusion HF) with buffer (New England Biolabs, cat. no. M0530L)
  • 10 mM dNTPs (Roche, cat. no. 11969064001)
  • Primers for colony PCR and sequencing (5 µM each):
  • QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (Qiagen, cat. no. 27106)
  • 1.5‐ml microcentrifuge tubes
  • Thermocycler
  • Additional reagents and equipment for agarose gel electrophoresis (unit 2.5 ), polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (unit 2.7 ; optional for TALE‐activators only), and quantifying microvolumes of DNA ( appendix 3D or )
    Table 2.6.1   MaterialsTALEN and TALE‐Activator Expression Vectors

    0.5 domain in vector p65 activation vector VP64 activation vector Nuclease vector
    NI pMLM2581 pMLM3367 pJDS70
    HD pMLM2583 pMLM3585 pJDS71
    NN pMLM2585 pMLM3587 pJDS74
    NG pMLM2579 pMLM3583 pJDS78

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  •   Figure Figure 12.16.1 Schematic overview of FLASH assembly for a DNA fragment encoding 16 TALE repeats. A biotinylated repeat unit (α unit) is first ligated to a predigested extension unit (βγδɛ unit) in solution and then attached to a streptavidin‐coated plate. This fragment is uncapped by restriction digest and the second extension unit (βγδɛ unit) is ligated. This process is repeated to extend the fragment to a length of 16 repeat arrays. Finally, a termination unit (βγδ unit) is attached and the full‐length fragment is cleaved from the biotin, which remains immobilized. The fragment is column purified and cloned into an expression vector of choice.
    View Image
  •   Figure Figure 12.16.2 Restriction map of a FLASH plasmid harboring an extension unit. In the example shown, the extension unit contains coding sequence for four TALE repeats (colored rectangles). Extension units are released from their plasmid vectors using a quadruple digest. Digestion with Bbs I and Bam HI releases the unit from the plasmid with appropriate overhangs for use in FLASH assembly. Digestion with Xba I and Sal I prevents the released unit fragment from religating back into the vector, eliminating the need to gel purify the fragment.
    View Image


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Key Reference
   Reyon et al., 2012. See above.
   This paper describes the development and validation of FLASH for assembling TALE repeat arrays and the archive of 376 plasmids for the α units, extension units, and termination units needed to practice the method. It presents large‐scale studies demonstrating that FLASH‐assembled TALENs offer high activity, a robust success rate, and an essentially limitless targeting range in human cells.
Internet Resources
   Provides access to ZiFiT software for engineering TALENs.
   TALEN and TALE‐activator expression vectors are available through Addgene.
   The archive of 376 plasmids required for FLASH are available by request from the Joung lab.
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