
Engineering Designer Transcription Activator‐‐Like Effector Nucleases (TALENs) by REAL or REAL‐Fast Assembly


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



Engineered transcription activator?like effector nucleases (TALENs) are broadly useful tools for performing targeted genome editing in a wide variety of organisms and cell types including plants, zebrafish, C. elegans , rat, human somatic cells, and human pluripotent stem cells. Here we describe detailed protocols for the serial, hierarchical assembly of TALENs that require neither PCR nor specialized multi?fragment ligations and that can be implemented by any laboratory. These restriction enzyme and ligation (REAL)?based protocols can be practiced using plasmid libraries and user?friendly, Web?based software that both identifies target sites in sequences of interest and generates printable graphical guides that facilitate assembly of TALENs. With the described platform of reagents, protocols, and software, researchers can easily engineer multiple TALENs within 2 weeks using standard cloning techniques. Curr. Protoc. Mol. Biol. 100:12.15.1?12.15.14. © 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: TALEN; TALENs; engineered TAL effector nucleases; engineered TALE nucleases; REAL; REAL?Fast; protein engineering; DNA?binding domains; FLASH

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Strategic Planning
  • Basic Protocol 1: Engineering Customized TALENs
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
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Basic Protocol 1: Engineering Customized TALENs

  • Genomic sequence of interest
  • Plasmids encoding individual TALE repeats (available through Addgene, http://www.addgene.org/talengineering)
  • Restriction enzymes from New England Biolabs:
    • Bam HI (cat. no. R0136S)
    • Bbs I (cat. no. R0539L)
    • Bsa I (cat, no. R0535L)
    • Bsm BI (cat. no. R0580L)
    • Kpn I‐HF (cat. no. R3142L)
  • 10× restriction enzyme buffers included with enzymes from New England Biolabs:
    • NEBuffer 2
    • NEBuffer 3
    • NEBuffer 4
  • 10 µg/ml bovine serum albumin (included with enzymes from New England Biolabs)
  • Nuclease‐free H 2 O (unit 4.1 )
  • 5% nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel (unit 2.7 )
  • Quick Ligation Kit (New England Biolabs, cat. No. M2200L)
  • Chemically competent bacterial strain XL‐1 Blue (recA1 endA1 gyrA96 thi‐1 hsdR17 supE44 relA1 lac [F' proAB lacIq lacZDM15 Tn 10 (TetR )]; Stratagene, cat no. 200249)
  • LB liquid medium and agar plates (unit 1.1 ). with and without 100 µg/ml carbenicillin (Sigma, cat. no C1389)
  • TALEN Expression Vectors (available through Addgene: http://www.addgene.org/talengineering)
  • Archive of preassembled TALE arrays for practicing REAL‐Fast (available through the Joung lab; see http://www.TALengineering.org)
  • Sequencing primers (optional):
    • Sequencing primer OK163: 5′ CGCCAGGGTTTTCCCAGTCACGAC 3′
    • Sequencing primer JDS2978: 5′ TTGAGGCGCTGCTGACTG 3′
    • Sequencing primer JDS2980: 5′ TTAATTCAATATATTCATGAGGCAC 3′
    • Sequencing primer JDS2778: 5′ CTGGCGCAATGCGCTCAC 3′
    • Sequencing primer JDS2979: 5′ AAGCAATGGCGACCACCTGTTC 3′
  • 42°C water bath
  • Sterile bacterial culture tubes
  • Orbital platform shaker with adjustable speed
  • Additional reagents and equipment for nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (unit 2.7 ) and transformation of bacteria (unit 1.8 )
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  •   Figure Figure 12.15.1 Engineered TALE nucleases. (A ) Schematic illustrating engineered TALE nucleases. Colored rectangles represent individual TALE repeat domains with the identities of the repeat variable di‐residues (RVDs) shown. Fok I nuclease domains are represented as purple octagons. TALENs bind as dimers, with each monomer binding a “half‐site” (gray rectangles) and cleavage occurring in the “spacer” sequence (white rectangle) between the two half‐sites. (B ) Assembly of individual TALE repeat domains into engineered TALE repeat arrays. TALE repeat domains (colored rectangles) with different RVDs bind to different single bases. Assembly of individual repeats generates arrays capable of binding to extended DNA sequences.
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  •   Figure Figure 12.15.2 Overview of ligation strategy used to join together DNA encoding TALE repeats. A fragment of DNA encoding carboxy‐terminal TALE repeat(s) created by digestion with Bbs I and Bam HI restriction enzymes is ligated to a vector backbone of DNA encoding amino‐terminal TALE repeat(s) created by digestion with Bsa I and Bam HI. Ligation occurs via compatible DNA overhangs created by the TypeIIS enzymes Bbs I and Bam HI. The resulting plasmid can be used in subsequent iterative ligations of the same type shown here.
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  •   Figure Figure 12.15.3 Screen shot of typical output from ZiFiT Targeter. In the example shown, a query sequence has been submitted and an output with five potential target sites has been returned below. Note that for reference the original sequence is shown in the output as a “Query Sequence” with the original bracketed nucleotide marked with an asterisk. For each target site, the half‐sites are shown in blue text while the spacer sequence is shown in red text. The target half‐sites are hyperlinks that can be clicked to open a new page with a customized graphical guide for assembling the TALEN that binds to that half‐site. As described in the text, users can also choose to relax search criteria further to allow identification of additional potential TALEN target sites by checking the box for “Relax Constraints” and/or unchecking the box for “Mask Redundant Sites” and then clicking the Search button again.
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  •   Figure Figure 12.15.4 Example of a customized graphical guide generated by ZiFiT Targeter for construction of an engineered TALEN. This particular guide illustrates the construction of a TALE array consisting of 16.5 repeats. TALE repeats are represented as colored rectangles, with the identities of their RVDs shown in two‐letter code within the rectangle. Bases bound by each TALE repeat are shown beneath the rectangle. Ligations of units to be performed are indicated by black lines. The numbers of plasmids used to perform the initial ligations are shown above the first row. The final assembled array is cloned into the pJDS‐series TALEN expression vector indicated at the bottom. Cloning into this vector adds the required carboxy‐terminal 0.5 TALE repeat domain and fuses the assembled TALE repeat array to the wild‐type Fok I nuclease domain, thereby generating a TALEN expression plasmid. (A ) Graphic for TALEN assembled using REAL. (B ) Graphic for TALEN assembled using REAL‐Fast.
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Key References
   Sander et al., 2011. See above.
   Describes the plasmids required to practice REAL and the efficacy of TALENs produced by this architecture in zebrafish.
   Reyon et al., 2012. See above.
   Describes archive of plasmids encoding pre‐assembled TALE repeat arrays that is required to practice REAL‐Fast and demonstrates that TALENs constructed on the same architecture as those made by REAL and REAL‐Fast function robustly and have high rate of success in human cells.
Internet Resources
   Provides access to the ZiFiT Targeter software program for engineering TALENs.
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