
Application of Amide Proton Exchange Mass Spectrometry for the Study of Protein‐Protein Interactions


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



This protocol describes amide proton exchange experiments that probe for changes in solvent accessibility at protein?protein interfaces. The simplest version of the protocol, termed the ?on?exchange? experiment, detects protein?protein interfaces by taking advantage of the fact that solvent deuterium oxide (D2 O) molecules are excluded from the surface of a protein to which another protein is bound. A more complete version of the experiment can also be performed in which the rate of surface deuteration is initially measured separately for each of the proteins involved in the interaction, after which the deuterated proteins are allowed to complex and the rate of ?off?exchange? (i.e., replacement of surface deuterons by protons from solvent H2 O molecules) at the resulting protein?protein interface is measured. This version of the experiment yields additional kinetic information that can help to define the solvent?inaccessible ?core? of the interface.

Keywords: antibody; epitope; hydration; thrombin

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Table of Contents

  • Strategic Planning
  • Basic Protocol 1: Identification of the Protein‐Protein Interface Via the On‐Exchange Method
  • Support Protocol 1: Analysis of Experimental Data from the On‐Exchange Experiment
  • Basic Protocol 2: Determination of the Solvent Accessibility of a Protein‐Protein Interface Via the Off‐Exchange Method
  • Alternate Protocol 1: Determination of the Solvent Accessibility of a Protein‐Protein Interface Via the Off‐Exchange Method Using an Agarose‐Bound Interaction Partner
  • Support Protocol 2: Analysis of Off‐Exchange Data
  • Reagents and Solutions
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
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Basic Protocol 1: Identification of the Protein‐Protein Interface Via the On‐Exchange Method

  • 10× low‐salt buffer (e.g., 25 mM Tris·Cl, 25 mM NaCl, 50 mM Na/KHPO 4 )
  • Purified receptor and ligand proteins
  • 0.1% and 2.0% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid (TFA; highest purity possible)
  • 2 to 3 mg/ml immobilized pepsin in 6% (w/v) cross‐linked beaded agarose (Pierce Biotechnology)
  • Matrix solution for MALDI‐TOF mass spectrometry (see recipe )
  • Peptide mass standard mixture (e.g., Sequazyme Calibration Mixture 2; Applied Biosystems)
  • Deuterium oxide (D 2 O; 99.996% purity; Cambridge Isotope Laboratories)
  • pH meter with InLab 423 electrode (Mettler Instruments)
  • Cold box, 4°C (Isotemp Chromatography Refrigerator; Fisher Scientific)
  • Microcentrifuge, 4°C (in cold box)
  • 0.5‐ml thin‐walled microcentrifuge tubes (USA/Scientific)
  • MALDI target plates, 4°C (in cold box; chilled overnight in a plastic case to prevent absorption of atmospheric H 2 O)
  • Vacuum desiccator (with liquid nitrogen trap) located adjacent to MALDI‐TOF mass spectrometer
  • MALDI‐TOF mass spectrometer (unit 16.2 , unit 16.3 , and unit 16.4 )
  • C 18 analytical column
  • Additional reagents and equipment for reversed‐phase high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC; unit 8.7 ) and post‐source decay sequencing (unit 16.1 ), carboxypeptidase Y C‐terminal sequencing (unit 11.8 ), or electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometric (ESI MS/MS) sequencing (unit 16.10 and unit 16.11 )
NOTE: The amide proton exchange reaction is highly sensitive to temperature; exchange is rapid at room temperature but slows dramatically when the reaction sample is chilled to 4°C. Thus, all sample manipulations subsequent to the timed incubation of the receptor, ligand, or receptor‐ligand complex in D 2 O must be performed at 4°C. The simplest experimental setup that makes this possible involves having a cold box in the same room as the mass spectrometer.

Support Protocol 1: Analysis of Experimental Data from the On‐Exchange Experiment

  • MALDI‐TOF mass spectra of pepsin digest products from all receptor, ligand, and receptor‐ligand complex on‐exchange samples ( protocol 1 )
  • MALDI‐TOF mass spectra of pepsin digest products from nondeuterated receptor, ligand, and receptor‐ligand complex samples ( protocol 1 )
  • Software for displaying multiple mass spectra in stacked layout (provided by manufacturer of the mass spectrometer)
  • CAPP software package (Mandell et al., 1988b)
  • KaleidaGraph 3.0 (Synergy Software) or other nonlinear fitting software

Basic Protocol 2: Determination of the Solvent Accessibility of a Protein‐Protein Interface Via the Off‐Exchange Method

  • H 2 O buffer: 10 mM Tris·Cl ( appendix 2E ), pH 6.6 to 7.9, as appropriate

Alternate Protocol 1: Determination of the Solvent Accessibility of a Protein‐Protein Interface Via the Off‐Exchange Method Using an Agarose‐Bound Interaction Partner

  • Antibody of interest
  • Protein G‐agarose beads (Sigma)
  • 20 mM dimethylpimelimidate (Pierce Chemical)
  • Epitope‐containing protein of interest
  • 1:1 mixture of 1‐propanol/0.1% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid (TFA; pH 2.25), chilled to 4°C
  • Additional reagents and equipment for buffer exchange (unit 4.4 )
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  •   Figure Figure 20.9.1 (at left) Flow chart diagram of the two types of amide proton exchange experiments used to study protein‐protein interfaces. (A ) In the on‐exchange experiment, the protein‐protein complex shows a region in which less deuterium is incorporated when compared with control samples in which each protein is deuterated separately. (B ) In the off‐exchange experiment, each protein is allowed to incorporate deuterium separately, the deuterated proteins are allowed to complex, and then deuterium atoms are off‐exchanged with hydrogen atoms by dilution in H2 O; residues located at the protein‐protein interface are characterized by the retention of deuterons in the protein‐protein complex as compared with a lack of retention in control experiments in which only one of the two proteins is present.
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  •   Figure Figure 20.9.2 (A ) Example of a matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization time‐of‐flight (MALDI‐TOF) mass spectrum of pepsin digest products. The inset shows that the high resolution of the time‐of‐flight mass analyzer allows baseline resolution of the mass envelope for each peptide. Each peptide's mass envelope results from the natural abundance of 13 C within that peptide, such that the peak representing the fraction of peptide molecules containing one 13 C atom appears one mass unit to the right of the monoisotopic peak, the peak representing the fraction containing two 13 C atoms appears two mass units to the right of the monoisotopic peak, and so on. (B ) Sequence coverage map for the protein whose peptide digest mass spectrum is shown in panel A. Each of the lines under the sequence represents a peptide fragment whose mass matches that of a peak observed in the mass spectrum.
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  •   Figure Figure 20.9.3 In the on‐exchange experiment, the interacting proteins, both separately and in the complexed state, are incubated in deuterated buffer for varying lengths of time prior to quenching, pepsin digestion, and mass spectrometric analysis. (A ) Example of a peptide mass envelope resulting from pepsin digestion of (i) nondeuterated CheB protein; (ii) a deuterated protein complex involving CheB; and (iii) CheB alone after being subjected to the same deuteration period as the complex in (ii). The mass envelope broadens somewhat upon deuteration, and there is less deuteration of the peptide in the protein‐protein complex than in the protein alone. (B ) Graph of number of deuterons incorporated into the peptide shown in panel A versus deuteration time. Circles, uncomplexed CheB; squares, complexed CheB.
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  •   Figure Figure 20.9.4 Sample off‐exchange data. A mass envelope for a single peptide fragment at a single off‐exchange time point is shown; however, data from several different time points should be collected to check for consistency in the data. (A ) Nondeuterated peptide fragment from the uncomplexed protein. (B ) Peptide fragment from the uncomplexed protein after on‐exchange for 10 min. (C ) Peptide fragment from the uncomplexed protein after on‐exchange for 10 min followed by off‐exchange for 10 min. Some residual deuteration is seen, due to the fact that some D2 O remains in the H2 O buffer used for off‐exchange. (D ) Peptide fragment from the complexed protein after on‐exchange (performed on each component of the complex separately) for 10 min followed by off‐exchange (performed on the bound complex) for 10 min. In the bound complex, the peptide retains deuterium throughout off‐exchange, whereas in the uncomplexed state, it does not. This indicates that the peptide is probably part of the protein‐protein interface region.
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  •   Figure Figure 20.9.5 Plot showing the relationship between ligand concentration and percentage of receptor molecules bound to the ligand in a typical amide proton exchange experiment. To ensure that 100% of receptor molecules are bound, ligand‐to‐receptor ratios > 1:1 are required when K d ≥ 10 nM. Theoretical curves for K d = 1 nM (circles), K d = 10 nM (squares), and K d = 50 nM (triangles) are shown. Actual experimental data from an interaction for which K d = 120 nM most closely resembled the K d = 50 nM curve.
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  •   Figure Figure 20.9.6 Kinetic plots of amide deuteration after data analysis to correct for back exchange and residual side‐chain deuteration. (A ) On‐exchange data for a solvent‐accessible region of an uncomplexed protein at two different pH values, 6.5 (circles) and 7.9 (squares). (B ) Off‐exchange data for the same solvent‐accessible region in the uncomplexed protein (squares) and in the bound complex (triangles). The data obtained from the uncomplexed protein show that off‐exchange occurs as rapidly as on‐exchange did, and the difference between the two curves indicates that amides are protected from off‐exchange in the complex. Identical data were obtained at both pH 6.5 and pH 7.9. (C ) On‐exchange data for a partially solvent‐accessible region of the uncomplexed protein at two different pH values, 6.5 (circles) and 7.9 (squares). (D ) Off‐exchange data for the same partially accessible region indicate that at pH 6.5, some deuterium is retained in the bound complex (triangles), but only for a short time. No deuterium retention was observed at pH 7.9 (data not shown).
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Literature Cited

Literature Cited
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