All-in-One Kit for Immunohistochemical Staining for Tissues with Antibodies
Coplin jars or staining containers
frozen and formalin--xed paraffin embedded tissues
1. Obtain or prepare the formalin-fixed paraffin embedded sections of choice.
1) Place slides in xylene for 5 minutes at room temperature.
2) Remove slides and place in xylene a second time for an additional 5 minutes.
3) Remove slides and place in 100% ethanol 2 times for 5 minutes each time.
4) Remove slides and place in 95% ethanol for 5 minutes.
5) Remove slides and place in 80% ethanol for 5 minutes.
6) Remove slides and place in PBS for 10 minutes.
Circle each tissue section using the Mini PAP Pen.
2. Proceed immediately to Peroxidase Quenching.
1) Heat Induced Epitope Retrieval Protocol
2) Based on the reagent that you are using, dilute the reagent to 1X as follows:
To 25 ml 20X EDTA solution, pH 8.0, add 475 ml distilled water to obtain a 1X EDTA solution, pH 8.0.
6 ) Rinse slides with 1X PBS and proceed immediately to Incubation with Primary Antibody.
Epitope Retrieval Protocol Using Enzymatic Digestion
1) Perform this epitope retrieval protocol after Peroxidase Quenching.
3) Incubate for 10 minutes at 37°C.
4. Incubation with Primary Antibody
3) Incubate the slides in a humidified chamber for 30 minutes.
4) Wash slides 3 times with 1X PBS containing 0.05% Tween-20 for 2 minutes, each time.
5) Proceed immediately to Incubation with HRP Polymer Conjugate, below
6 Incubation with HRP Polymer Conjugate
2) Incubate the slides in a humidified chamber for 10 minutes.
3) Wash slides 3 times with 1X PBS containing 0.05% Tween-20 for 2 minutes, each time.
4) Proceed immediately to Signal Development, below.
Mix well. Protect from light and use within 1 hour.
Caution: DAB is a known carcinogen; handle with care.
Incubation time can vary depending on the antibody.
Rinse thoroughly with distilled water.
Proceed immediately to Counterstaining, below.
2) Incubate the slides in a humidified chamber for 1-3 minutes.
3) Rinse thoroughly with distilled water.
4) Dip the slide in ammonia water 1X PBS or (0.25% NH3) to blue the nuclei.
5) Rinse thoroughly with distilled water.
7) Proceed immediately to Mounting, below.
1) Apply 2-4 drops (100-200 µl) of Histomount™ mounting medium to the slide.
2) Apply a cover slip on the slide.