
【分享】Methods in Molecular Biology--Mycobacteria Protocols


Volume 101 : Mycobacteria Protocols
Product Details
pages: 472 pages
Publisher: Humana Press
ISBN: 0896034712
Average Customer Review: Based on 1 review(s).
Format: PDF
Supplier: Amazon

Password: econiches

Volume 102 : Bioluminescence Methods & Protocols
Hardcover: 310 pages
Publisher: Humana Press; 1st edition (June 15, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0896035204
ISBN-13: 978-0896035201
File type : PDF
File size : 18.8 MB

Book Description

A state-of-the-art collection of innovative methods for the use of luciferase and green fluorescent protein in analytical biochemistry, molecular toxicology, environmental monitoring, and cell-based assays. The contributors-all hands-on researchers who have perfected their protocols to a high degree of reproducibility-illustrate these powerful methods with a wide variety of applications ranging from the analytical determination (titer) of specific molecules to the cellular detection of a wide range of pollutants, to microbiological detection and analysis, and the molecular biological manipulation of lux, luc, and gfp structural genes. Step-by-step methods are also included for the construction of other recombinant organisms.

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Volume 103 : Pichia Protocols

pages: 270 pages
Publisher: Humana Press
ISBN: 0896034216
Average Customer Review: N/A
Format: PDF
Supplier: Amazon

Pass: econiches

Volume 104 : Mycoplasma Protocols


This is a collection of cutting-edge mycoplasma methods for the detection, isolation, identification, characterization, and genetic manipulation of the pathogenic mycoplasmas. These step-by-step methods are crafted for successful reproducibility and include biochemical, genetic, and molecular techniques essential to understanding pathogenecity and adhesion to host cells. They also cover the detection of mycoplasmas in cell cultures, an important tool not only in viral diagnosis and research, but also in the production of vaccines and various biological products.

Table of Contents

R. Miles and R. Nicholas

The Medical Significance of Mycoplasmas
P. Taylor

The Veterinary Significance of Mycoplasmas
R. Nicholas

Recovery of Mycoplasmas from Man
P. Taylor

Recovery of Mycoplamas from Animals
R. Nicholas and S. Baker

Recovery of Mycoplasmas from Birds
J. Bradbury

Cultivation of Ureaplasmas
P. Furr

Quality Control Testing of Mycoplasma Media
D. Windsor and H. Windsor

Biochemical Characteristics of Mycoplasma Identification
J. Poveda

Enzyme Analysis: The Rationale and Use of Enzyme Assays in Assigning Function to Gene Nucleotide Sequences and the Procedures for the Assay of Three Enzymatic Functions Conserved in All Mollicutes
J. D. Pollack

Determination of Substrate Utilization Rates by Mycoplasmas
R. Miles and C. Agbanyim

Serological Identification of Mycoplasmas by Growth and Metabolism Inhibition Tests
J. Poveda and R. Nicholas

Identification of Mycoplasmas by Dot Immunobinding on Membrane Filtration (MF dot)
F. Poumarat

Identification of Mycoplasmas by Immunofluorescence
J. Bradbury

Diagnostic Application of Monoclonal Antibody-Based Sandwich ELISAs
H. Ball and D. Finlay

Immunocytochemical staining of Fixed Tissues
E. Scanziani

Extraction of DNA from Mycoplasmas
J. Bashiruddin

Characterization of Mycoplasmas by PCR and Sequence Analysis with Universal 16S rDNA Primers
K. E. Johansson, M. Heltander, and B. Petterson

PCR and RFLP Methods for Specific Detection and Identification of Mycoplasma Mycoides Subsp. Mycoides SC
J. Bashiruddin

Characterization of Mycoplasmas by RAPD Fingerprinting
G. Rawadi

Classification of Isolates by DNA-DNA Hybridization
K. Sachse and H. Hotzel.

Insertion Sequence Analysis
J. Frey

Detection of Mycoplasmas in Cell Cultures by Cultural Methods
G. Masover and F. Becker

Detection of Mycoplasmas in Cell Culture by Fluorescence Methods
G. Masover and F. Becker

Transformation of Mycoplasmas
F. Chris Minion, and P. Kapke

Transposon Mutagenesis
L. Voelker and K. Dybvig

Demonstration of Extrachromosomal Elements
L. Voelker and K. Dybvig

Expression of Foreign Genes in Acholeplasma
T. Jarhede and A. Wieslander

Mycoplasma Gene Expression in Escherichia Coli
F. C. Minion

Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Separation of Whole Cell Proteins
M. Duffy, A. Noormohammadi, N. Baseggio, G. Browning, and P. Markham

Immunological and Biochemical Characterization of Membrane Proteins
M. Duffy

A. Noormohammadi
N. Baseggio, G. Browning, and P. Markham

Detection and Analysis of Mycoplasma Adhesins
K. Sachse

Transmission Electron Microscopy and Immunogold Staining of Mycoplasma Surface Antigens
G. Christiansen and S. Birkelund


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Volume 105 : Phospholipid Signaling Protocols
pages: 380 pages
Publisher: Humana Press
ISBN: 0896034917
Average Customer Review: N/A
Format: PDF
Supplier: Amazon


Pass: econiches
