
Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viral Vector Types 4 and 5: Preparation and Application for CNS Gene Transfer


The adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) are dependent parvoviruses that require helper viruses for replication. They are classified based on size and structure. Because the majority of AAV isolates were first identified as contaminants of laboratory stocks of adenovirus, little is known regarding their natural tissue tropism. Of the six isolates of AAV that have been identified to date in primates, only three (AAV2, 3, and 5) have been isolated from humans. Because AAV4 can infect human and rat cells in culture, serological data suggest that its natural host is the African green monkey. All of those isolates have been cloned and their genomes appear to be organized in a similar manner, with ITRs flanking the rep and cap open reading frames (Fig. 1 ). Some elements are highly conserved within some serotypes, while others are very divergent. The amino acid sequence of each capsid is distinct. Thus, each serotype likely has unique functional properties. For example, a comparison of transduction efficiencies and binding competition experiments indicates that each serotype may utilize a distinct mechanism of uptake compared to AAV2 (1 ,2 ). Heparin sulfate proteoglycans (HSP) have a role in the binding and transduction of AAV2, however, transduction with AAV4 and AAV5 serotypes does not appear to utilize HSP (1 ,3 ). Instead, both AAV4 and AAV5 interact with α 2-3 sialic acid yet they differ in their specificity. AAV4 preferentially binds O-linked sialic acid whereas AAV5 prefers N-linked sialic acids (4 ,5 ).
Fig. 1.  Comparison of physical and open reading frame (ORF) map of AAV serotypes 1-6. The stippled bars indicate differences between AAV2 and serotypes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The percent homology of the rep and cap genes to AAV2 is listed to the left of the ORF. Within the rep gene, two promoters, located at map units 5 and 19, direct the expression of four proteins, Rep78 and Rep68, and Rep52 and Rep40, respectively. Each promoter expresses one spliced (Rep68 and Rep40) and one unspliced (Rep78 and Rep52) mRNA. Within the rep ORF, several functional domains have been identified and are indicated at the top. These include the DNA binding (DB), trs (Y), NTP binding pocket (NTP), nuclear localization domain (NLS) and zinc finger (Zn) domains, and splice sites. The cap ORF produces three proteins, and the starts sites (VP1, VP2, and VP3) are indicted by right-angled arrows. Regions proposed to be on the exterior of the AAV2 capsid based on homology with canine parvovirus crystal structure are indicated in black.
