
【申请上传】Current Protocols in Immunology


Current Protocols in Immunology
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Current Protocols in Immunology
Chapter 1 Care and Handling of Laboratory Animals
Section I Animal Health and Husbandry
Unit 1.1 Animal Health Assurance
Unit 1.2 Managing Immunocompromised Animals
Unit 1.3 Handling and Restraint
Unit 1.4 Anesthesia
Unit 1.5 Animal Identification
Section II Use of Mouse, Rat, Hamster, and Rabbit
Unit 1.6 Parenteral Injections
Unit 1.7 Blood Collection
Unit 1.8 Euthanasia
Section III Selected Surgical Procedures
Unit 1.9 Removal of Lymphoid Organs
Unit 1.10 Survival Surgery: Removal of the Spleen or Thymus
Unit 1.11 Surgical Removal of Mouse Salivary Glands
Chapter 2 Induction of Immune Responses
Section I Assays for Antibody Production
Unit 2.1 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays
Unit 2.2 Isotype Determination of Antibodies
Unit 2.3 Double-Immunodiffusion Assay for Detecting Specific Antibodies
Section II Production of Antibodies
Unit 2.4 Production of Polyclonal Antisera
Unit 2.5 Production of Monoclonal Antibodies
Unit 2.6 Monoclonal Antibody Supernatant and Ascites Fluid Production
Section III Purification and Fragmentation of Antibodies
Unit 2.7 Purification of Immunoglobulin G
Unit 2.8 Fragmentation of Immunoglobulin G
Unit 2.9 Purification of Immunoglobulin M and Immunoglobulin D
Unit 2.10A Fragmentation of Immunoglobulin M
Unit 2.10B Purification of Human IgA
Section IV Specialized Techniques
Unit 2.11 Preparation of Immune Stimulating Complexes (ISCOMs as Adjuvants
Unit 2.12 Cloning, Expression, and Modification of Antibody V Regions
Unit 2.13 Production of Bispecific Antibodies
Unit 2.14 Nucleic Acid Immunizations
Chapter 3 In Vitro Assays for Mouse Lymphocyte Function
Section I Isolation and Fractionation of Mononuclear Cell Populations
Unit 3.1 Isolation of Mouse Mononuclear Cells
Unit 3.2 T Cell Enrichment By Nonadherence to Nylon
Unit 3.3 T Cell Enrichment by Cytotoxic Elimination of B Cells and Accessory Cells
Unit 3.4 T Cell Depletion by Cytotoxic Elimination
Unit 3.5A Fractionation of T and B Cells Using Magnetic Beads
Unit 3.5B Isolation of Ly-1+/CD5+ B Cells by Cell Sorting
Unit 3.6 Depletion of Accessory Cells by Adherence to Sephadex G-10
Unit 3.7 Isolation of Dendritic Cells
Section II Assays for B Cell Function
Unit 3.8 Assays for B Lymphocyte Function
Unit 3.9 Early Events in B Lymphocyte Activation
Unit 3.10 Proliferative Assays for B Cell Function
Section III Assays for T Cell Function
Unit 3.11 Induction and Measurement of Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Activity
Unit 3.12 Proliferative Assays for T Cell Function
Unit 3.13 Production of T Cell Clones
Unit 3.14 Production of Mouse T Cell Hybridomas
Unit 3.15 Quantitation of Functional T Cells by Limiting Dilution
Unit 3.16 Granule Enzyme Exocytosis Assay for Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Activation
Section IV Related Isolation Procedures and Functional Assays
Unit 3.17 Measurement of Apoptosis and Other Forms of Cell Death
Unit 3.18 Fetal Thymus Organ Culture for T Cell Development Studies
Unit 3.19 Isolation of Mouse Small Intestinal Intraepithelial Lymphocytes, Peyer's Patch, and Lamina
Propria Cells
Unit 3.20 Isolation of Mouse Neutrophils
Unit 3.21 Isolation of Mouse Intrahepatic Lymphocytes
Unit 3.22 Isolation of Murine Natural Killer Cells
Chapter 4 In Vivo Assays for Lymphocyte Function
Unit 4.1 In Vivo Depletion of CD4- and CD8-Specific T Cells
Unit 4.2 Contact Hypersensitivity
Unit 4.3 Animal Models of Acute and Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease
Unit 4.4 Skin Allograft Rejection1
Unit 4.5 Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity
Unit 4.6 Assessment of Lymphocyte Development in Radiation Bone Marrow Chimeras
Unit 4.7 Measurement of T and B Cell Turnover with Bromodeoxyuridine
Unit 4.8 Construction of Human-SCID Chimeric Mice
Unit 4.9 Use of the Intracellular Fluorescent Dye CFSE to Monitor Lymphocyte Migration and Proliferation
Chapter 5 Immunofluorescence and Cell Sorting
Unit 5.1 Overview of Flow Cytometry
Unit 5.2 Analysis of Flow Cytometry Data
Unit 5.3 Preparation of Cells and Reagents for Flow Cytometry
Unit 5.4 Flow Cytometry Analysis Using the Becton Dickinson FACS Calibur
Unit 5.5 Measurement of Intracellular Ions by Flow Cytometry
Unit 5.6 Measurement of Intercellular Conjugates by Flow Cytometry
Unit 5.7 Analysis of Cellular DNA Content by Flow Cytometry
Unit 5.8 Multiparameter FACS Analysis
Chapter 6 Cytokines and Their Cellular Receptors
Unit 6.1 Measurement of Lymphokine Receptors
Unit 6.2 Measurement of Soluble and Membrane-Bound Interleukin 1 Using a Fibroblast Bioassay
Unit 6.3 Measurement of Human and Murine Interleukin 2 and Interleukin 4
Unit 6.4 Measurement of Interleukin 3 and Other Hematopoietic Cytokines, such as GM-CSF, G-CSF, M-CSF,
Erythropoietin, Steel Factor, and Flt-3 Ligand
Unit 6.5 Measurement of Mouse and Human Interleukin 5
Unit 6.6 Measurement of Interleukin 6
Unit 6.7 Measurement of Interleukin 7
Unit 6.8 Measurement of Mouse and Human Interferon
Unit 6.9 Measurement of Antiviral Activity Induced by Interferons , , and
Unit 6.10 Measurement of Tumor Necrosis Factor and
Unit 6.11 Measurement of TGF- in Biological Fluids
Unit 6.12 Biological Responses to Chemokine Superfamily Members
Unit 6.13 Measurement of Mouse and Human Interleukin 9
Unit 6.14 Measurement of Mouse and Human Interleukin 10
Unit 6.15 Measurement of Human Interleukin 11
Unit 6.16 Measurement of Human and Mouse Interleukin-12
Unit 6.17 Measurement of Human and Murine Stem Cell Factor (c-kit Ligand
Unit 6.18 Measurement of Interleukin-13
Unit 6.19 ELISPOT Assay to Detect Cytokine-Secreting Murine and Human Cells
Unit 6.20 Immunoenzymetric Assay of Mouse and Human Cytokines Using NIP-Labeled Anti-Cytokine
Unit 6.21 Detection of Cytokine Receptors by Flow Cytometry
Unit 6.22 Measurement of Interleukin 15
Unit 6.23 Measurement of Interleukin 16
Unit 6.24 Detection of Intracellular Cytokines by Flow Cytometry
Unit 6.25 Measurement of Interleukin 17
Unit 6.26 Measurement of Human and Mouse Interleukin 18
Unit 6.27 Detection and Isolation of Cytokine Secreting Cells Using the Cytometric Cytokine Secretion
Unit 6.28 The In Vivo Cytokine Capture Assay for Measurement of Cytokine Production in the Mouse
Unit 6.29 Cytokine, Growth Factor, and Chemokine Ligand Database
Chapter 7 Immunologic Studies in Humans
Section I Preparation of Human Mononuclear Cell Populations and Subpopulations
Unit 7.1 Isolation of Whole Mononuclear Cells from Peripheral Blood and Cord Blood
Unit 7.2 Isolation of T Cells Using Rosetting Procedures
Unit 7.3 Purification of T Cell Subpopulations
Unit 7.4 Immunomagnetic Purification of T Cell Subpopulations
Unit 7.5 Isolation of B Cell Populations
Unit 7.6 Isolation of Monocyte/Macrophage Populations
Unit 7.7 Isolation of Human NK Cells and Generation of LAK Activity
Unit 7.8 Isolation of Mononuclear Cells From Tonsillar Tissue
Unit 7.9 Detection of Unseparated Human Lymphocytes by Flow Cytometry
Section II Measurement of Basic Immunologic Characteristics of Human Mononuclear Cells
Unit 7.10 Measurement of Proliferative Responses of Cultured Lymphocytes
Unit 7.11 Induction of Polyclonal Immunoglobulin Synthesis
Unit 7.12 Measurement of Polyclonal Immunoglobulin Synthesis Using ELISA
Unit 7.13 Measurement of Polyclonal Immunoglobulin Synthesis Using the Reverse Plaque Technique
Unit 7.14 Measurement of Immunoglobulin Synthesis Using the ELISPOT Assay
Unit 7.15 Measurement of In Vitro Specific-Antibody Synthesis
Unit 7.16 Induction and Measurement of In Vivo Antibody Responses
Unit 7.17 Measurement of Polyclonal and Antigen-Specific Cytotoxic T Cell Function
Unit 7.18 Measurement of Cytotoxic Activity of NK/LAK Cells
Section III Long-Term and Immortalized Human Cell Lines and Clones
Unit 7.19 Generation and Maintenance of Cloned Human T Cell Lines
Unit 7.20 Generation of HTLV-I-Transformed T Cell Lines
Unit 7.21 Generation of T Cell Hybridomas
Unit 7.22 Generation of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV—Immortalized B Cell Lines
Section IV Preparation and Functional Analysis of Other Human Lymphoid And Nonlymphoid
Unit 7.23 Isolation and Functional Analysis of Neutrophils
Unit 7.24 Isolation of Human Basophils
Unit 7.25 Isolation of Tissue Mast Cells
Unit 7.26 Measuring Degranulation of Mast Cells
Unit 7.27 51Cr Release Assay of Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity (ADCC
Unit 7.28 Measurement of Cellular Adhesion Under Static Conditions
Unit 7.29 Cell Adhesion Under Hydrodynamic Flow Conditions
Unit 7.30 Isolation of Human Intestinal Mucosal Mononuclear Cells
Unit 7.31 Isolation of Human Eosinophils
Unit 7.32 Isolation and Generation of Human Dendritic Cells
Unit 7.33 Measurement of Prostaglandins and Other Eicosanoids
Unit 7.34 Isolation and Characterization of Human Natural Killer Cell Subsets
Chapter 8 Isolation and Analysis of Proteins
Section I Solubilization of Cellular Proteins
Unit 8.1A Solubilization of Lymphocytes
Unit 8.1B Purification of Organelles from Mammalian Cells
Unit 8.1C Subcellular Fractionation of Tissue Culture Cells
Section II Isolation of Proteins Using Antibodies
Unit 8.2 Immunoaffinity Chromatography
Unit 8.3 Immunoprecipitation
Section III Electrophoretic Separation of Proteins
Unit 8.4 One-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins
Unit 8.5 Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Using the O'Farrell System
Unit 8.6 Diagonal Gel Electrophoresis
Unit 8.7 Isolation of Proteins for Microsequence Analysis
Unit 8.8 Electroelution of Proteins from Stained Gels
Section IV Detection of Proteins
Unit 8.9 Staining Proteins in Gels
Unit 8.10 Immunoblotting and Immunodetection
Unit 8.11 Iodination of Soluble and Membrane-Bound Proteins
Unit 8.12 Biosynthetic Labeling of Proteins
Unit 8.13 Metabolic Radiolabeling of Animal Cell Glycoconjugates
Unit 8.14 Inhibition of N-Linked Glycosylation
Unit 8.15 Release of Saccharides from Glycoconjugates
Unit 8.16 Biotinylation and Analysis of Membrane-Bound and Soluble Proteins
Chapter 9 Peptides
Unit 9.1 Introduction to Peptide Synthesis
Unit 9.2 Synthetic Peptides for Production of Antibodies that Recognize Intact Proteins
Unit 9.3 Production of Anti-Peptide Antisera
Unit 9.4 B Cell Epitope Mapping Using Synthetic Peptides
Unit 9.5 Identification of B Cell and T Cell Epitopes Using Synthetic Peptide Combinatorial Libraries
Unit 9.6 Synthesis and Application of Peptide Dendrimers As Protein Mimetics
Unit 9.7 Synthesis of Multiple Peptides on Plastic Pins
Unit 9.8 Phage Display Selection and Analysis of Ab-Binding Epitopes
Chapter 10 Molecular Biology
Section I Isolation and Purification of DNA
Unit 10.1 Purification and Concentration of DNA from Aqueous Solutions
Unit 10.2 Preparation of Genomic DNA from Mammalian Tissue
Unit 10.3 Preparation of Bacterial Plasmid DNA
Section II Resolution and Recovery of DNA Fragments
Unit 10.4 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
Unit 10.5 Isolation and Purification of Large DNA Restriction Fragments from Agarose Gels
Section III Analysis of Genomic DNA by Blotting and Hybridization
Unit 10.6A Southern Blotting
Unit 10.6B Hybridization Analysis of DNA Blots
Unit 10.7 Deprotection of Oligonucleotides and Purification Using Denaturing PAGE
Section IV Enzymatic Cleavage and Labeling of DNA
Unit 10.8 Digestion of DNA with Restriction Endonucleases
Unit 10.9 Reagents and Radioisotopes Used to Manipulate Nucleic Acids
Unit 10.10 Enzymatic Labeling of Nucleic Acids
Section V Preparation and Analysis of RNA
Unit 10.11 Preparation of RNA from Tissues and Cells
Unit 10.12 Analysis of RNA by Northern and Slot-Blot Hybridization
Section VI Transfection and Expression of Cloned DNA
Unit 10.13 Calcium Phosphate Transfection
Unit 10.14 Transfection Using DEAE-Dextran
Unit 10.15 Transfection by Electroporation
Unit 10.16 Liposome-Mediated Transfection
Unit 10.17A Stable Transfer of Genes into Mammalian Cells
Unit 10.17B Transfection of Lymphoid Cells
Unit 10.17C Rapid Production of Retroviruses for Efficient Gene Delivery to Mammalian Cells Using 293T
Cell—Based Systems
Unit 10.18 Use of Monoclonal Antibodies for Expression Cloning
Unit 10.19A Construction of Immunoglobulin Fusion Proteins
Unit 10.19B Phage Display of Single-Chain Antibody Constructs
Section VII The Polymerase Chain Reaction
Unit 10.20 Enzymatic Amplification of DNA by PCR: Standard Procedures and Optimization
Unit 10.21 Quantitation of Rare DNAs by PCR
Unit 10.22 Detection of Isotype Switch Rearrangement in Bulk Culture by PCR
Unit 10.23 Detection of Cytokine mRNA Expression by PCR
Unit 10.24 cDNA Amplification Using One-Sided (Anchored PCR
Unit 10.25 Double-Stranded DNA Sequence Analysis
Unit 10.26 Evaluating Human T Cell Receptor Gene Expression by PCR
Unit 10.27 Molecular Analysis of Mouse T Cell Receptor Expression Using PCR
Unit 10.28 Spectratype/Immunoscope Analysis of the Expressed TCR Repertoire
Unit 10.29 Multiprobe Ribonuclease Protection Assay for Simultaneous Measurement of mRNA Expression
Unit 10.30 Analysis of Telomere Length and Telomerase Activity
Chapter 11 Biochemistry of Cell Activation
Unit 11.1 Analysis of Inositol Phospholipid Turnover During Lymphocyte Activation
Unit 11.2 Preparation and Analysis of Phosphorylated Proteins
Unit 11.3 Antiphosphotyrosine Blotting
Unit 11.4 Immune-Complex Assays for Tyrosine Protein Kinases
Unit 11.5 Assessment of the Effects of Tyrosine Protein Kinase Inhibitors
Unit 11.6 Production of Antibodies that Recognize Specific Tyrosine-Phosphorylated Peptides
Unit 11.7 Using Protein Kinase and Protein Phosphatase Inhibitors to Dissect Protein Phosphorylation
Unit 11.8 Analyzing Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK Activities in T Cells
Unit 11.9A Key Molecules Involved in Receptor-Mediated Lymphocyte Activation
Unit 11.9B Signal Transduction During Natural Killer Cell Activation
Unit 11.9C Apoptosis Signaling Pathways
Unit 11.9D TRAF-Mediated TNFR-Family Signaling
Unit 11.10 Isolation and Use of Rafts
Chapter 12 Detection and Analysis of HIV
Unit 12.1 General Guidelines for Experimenting with HIV
Unit 12.2 Isolation and Quantitation of HIV in Peripheral Blood
Unit 12.3 Infection of CD4+ Primary Cell Lines and Induction of HIV
Unit 12.4 Culture of HIV in Monocytes and Macrophages
Unit 12.5 Detection Assays for HIV Proteins
Unit 12.6 Detection of HIV DNA and RNA Using PCR
Unit 12.7 Regulation of the HIV Promoter/Enhancer
Unit 12.8 In Situ Hybridization for Detection of HIV RNA
Unit 12.9 In Vitro Evaluation of Experimental Agents for Anti-HIV Activity
Unit 12.10 Vaccinia-Based Reporter Gene Cell-Fusion Assays to Quantitate Functional Interactions of HIV
Envelope Glycoprotein with Receptors
Chapter 13 Complement
Unit 13.1 Classical Pathway Evaluation
Unit 13.2 Alternative Pathway Evaluation
Unit 13.3 Isolation and Purification of C3 from Human Plasma
Unit 13.4 Assays for Membrane Complement Receptors
Unit 13.5 Isolation and Functional Assay of the Membrane Complement Inhibitors CD55 (DAF and CD59
Unit 13.6 Assays for the Mannan-Binding Lectin Pathway
Chapter 14 Innate Immunity
Unit 14.1 Isolation of Murine Macrophages
Unit 14.2 Characterization of Murine Macrophages
Unit 14.3 Characterization of Human Monocytes/Macrophages
Unit 14.4 Activation of Murine Macrophages
Unit 14.5 Oxidative Metabolism of Murine Macrophages
Unit 14.6 Measurement of Bacterial Ingestion and Killing by Macrophages
Unit 14.7 Assay for Macrophage-Mediated Anti-Tumor Cytotoxicity
Unit 14.8 Measurement of Fc Receptor—Mediated Binding and Phagocytosis
Unit 14.9 Measurement of Interferon-Mediated Antiviral Activity of Macrophages
Unit 14.10 Human Natural Killer Receptors and Their Ligands
Unit 14.11 Isolation and Functional Use of Human NK T Cells
Unit 14.12 Toll Receptors
Chapter 15 Animal Models for Autoimmune and Inflammatory Disease
Unit 15.1 Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in the Mouse
Unit 15.2 Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in the Rat
Unit 15.3 The BB Rat as a Model of Human Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Unit 15.4 Adjuvant Arthritis in the Rat
Unit 15.5 Collagen-Induced Arthritis
Unit 15.6 Experimental Autoimmune Uveoretinitis in the Rat and Mouse
Unit 15.7 Experimental Autoimmune Thyroiditis in the Mouse
Unit 15.8 Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis in the Mouse
Unit 15.9 The NOD Mouse: A Model for Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Unit 15.10 Streptococcal Cell Wall Arthritis
Unit 15.11 Animal Models of IgA Nephropathy
Unit 15.12 Induction of Autoimmune Disease by Depletion of Regulatory T Cells
Unit 15.13 Induction of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Immunodeficient Mice by Depletion of Regulatory T
Unit 15.14 Autoimmune Myocarditis
Unit 15.15 Mercuric Chloride—Induced Autoimmunity
Unit 15.16 The Day-3 Thymectomy Model for Induction of Multiple Organ-Specific Autoimmune Diseases
Unit 15.17 Autoimmune Ovarian Disease Induced by Immunization with Zona Pellucida (ZP3 Peptide
Unit 15.18 Animal Models of Airway Sensitization
Unit 15.19 Induction of TNBS Colitis in Mice
Unit 15.20 Animal Models for SLE
Chapter 16 Antigen Processing and Presentation
Unit 16.1 Choosing and Preparing Antigen-Presenting Cells
Unit 16.2 Presenting Exogenous Antigen to T Cells
Chapter 17 Engineering Immune Molecules and Receptors
Unit 17.1 Bacteriophage Library Construction and Selection of Recombinant Antibodies
Unit 17.2 Monitoring Antigen-Specific T Cells Using MHC-Ig Dimers
Unit 17.3 MHC-Peptide Tetramers to Visualize Antigen-Specific T Cells
Chapter 18 Ligand-Receptor Interactions in the Immune System
Unit 18.1 Binding of Biotinylated Peptides to MHC Class II Proteins on Cell Surfaces
Unit 18.2 Detection of Low-Affinity Ligand-Receptor Interactions at the Cell Surface with Fluorescent
Unit 18.3 Measurement of MHC/Peptide Interactions by Gel Filtration
Unit 18.4 Measurement of Peptide-MHC Interactions in Solution Using the Spin Column Filtration Assay
Unit 18.5 Measurement of the Kinetics of Biomolecular Interactions Using the IAsys Resonant Mirror
Unit 18.6 Affinity-Based Biosensors for Biomolecular Interaction Analysis
Unit 18.7 Biotin Labeling and Quantitation of Cell-Surface Proteins
Unit 18.8 Measuring Protein-Protein Interactions by Equilibrium Sedimentation
Unit 18.9 Binding of Small Peptides to Immobilized Antibodies: Kinetic Analysis by Surface Plasmon
Unit 18.10 Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer: Techniques for Measuring Molecular Conformation
and Molecular Proximity
Unit 18.11 Peptide Induction of Surface Expression of Class I MHC
Unit 18.12 Competition-Based Cellular Peptide Binding Assay for HLA Class I
Chapter 19 Animal Models for Infectious Diseases
Unit 19.1 Schistosomiasis
Unit 19.2 Animal Models for the Analysis of Immune Responses to Leishmaniasis
Unit 19.3 Animal Models for Toxoplasma gondii Infection
Unit 19.4 Experimental Asexual Blood Stage Malaria Immunity
Unit 19.5 Animal Models of Mycobacteria Infection
Unit 19.6 Animal Models for Candidiasis
Unit 19.7 A Mouse Model for Cytomegalovirus Infection
Unit 19.8 Helicobacter Animal Models
Unit 19.9 Animal Model for Infection with Listeria monocytogenes
Unit 19.10 Animal Models Using Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus
Unit 19.11 Influenza Virus
Unit 19.12 Animal Model of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis and Heligmosomoides polygyrus
Chapter 20 Animals Models for Tumor Immunology
Unit 20.1 B16 as a Mouse Model for Human Melanoma
Unit 20.2 Mouse 4T1 Breast Tumor Model
Unit 20.3 Mouse SaI Sarcoma Tumor Model
Unit 20.4 The P815 Mastocytoma Tumor Model
Unit 20.5 The TRAMP Mouse as a Model for Prostate Cancer1
Unit 20.6 Models for Lymphoma
Chapter 21 Microscopy
Unit 21.1 Proper Alignment and Adjustment of the Light Microscope
Unit 21.2 Fluorescence Microscopy
Unit 21.3 Immunofluorescence Staining
Unit 21.4 Immunohistochemistry
Appendix 1 Abbreviations and Useful Data
1A Abbreviations Used in this Manual
1B Amino Acids
1C Commonly Used Mouse Strains
1D Commonly Used Detergents
1E Murine Models of Immunodeficiency and Autoimmune Disease
1F Mouse Endogenous Superantigens: Ms and Mls-like Determinants Encoded by Mouse Retroviruses
1G HLA Type of EBV-Transformed Human B Cell Lines
1H Commonly Used Rat Strains
1I Peptide Binding Motifs for MHC Class I and II Molecules
1J Web Sites of Interest to Immunologists
1K Human MHC Genes and Products
1L Mouse MHC Genes and Products
1M Listing, Location, Binding Motifs, and Expression of Nonclassical Class I and Related Genes and
1N Overview of Protein Folds in the Immune System1
1O Nomenclature of the Human T Cell Receptor Genes
1P Nomenclature of the Human Immunoglobulin Genes
1Q Safe Use of Radioisotopes
1R Receptors Involved in the Regulation of Murine NK Cells
1S Nomenclature and Serology of HLA Class I and Class II Alleles
1T Heat-Shock Proteins
1U Large-Scale Cell Culture
Appendix 2 Commonly Used Reagents and Equipment
2A Common Media, Buffers, and Stock Solutions
2B EquipmentAppendix 3 Commonly Used Immunological Techniques
3A Monitoring Cell Growth
3B Trypan Blue Exclusion Test of Cell Viability
3C Wright-Giemsa and Nonspecific Esterase Staining of Cells
3D Labeling Cells in Microtiter Plates for Determination of [3H]Thymidine Uptake
3E Diagnosis and Treatment of Mycoplasma-Contaminated Cell Cultures
3F Obtaining Human Peripheral Blood Cells
3G Cryopreservation of Cells
3H Dialysis and Concentration of Protein Solutions
3I Column Chromatography of Antibodies and Fragments
3J Detection and Quantitation of Radiolabeled Proteins and DNA in Gels and Blots
3K Silanizing Glassware
3L Quantitation of DNA and RNA with Absorption and Fluorescence Spectroscopy
3M Preparing Frozen Bacterial Stocks
3N Transformation of E. coli by Electroporation
3O Gram Staining
Appendix 4 The CD System of Leukocyte Surface Molecules
4A Monoclonal Antibodies to Human Cell Surface Antigens
4B Monoclonal Antibodies to Mouse Cell-Surface Antigens
4C Monoclonal Antibodies to Rat Leukocyte Surface Antigens, MHC Antigens, and Immunoglobulins
Appendix 5
Selected Suppliers of Reagents and Equipment
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