
GrailEXP and Genome Analysis Pipeline for Genome Annotation


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Materials
  • Figures
  • Literature Cited



The Basic Protocol describes the use of GrailEXP, the latest version of the gene finding system from Oak Ridge National Laboratory. GrailEXP provides gene models, by making use of sequence similarity with Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) and known genes. GrailEXP also provides alternatively spliced constructs for each gene based on the available EST evidence. The Support Protocol describes the use of the Genome Analysis Pipeline, a web application which allows users to perform comprehensive sequence analysis by offering a selection from a wide choice of supported gene finders, other biological feature finders, and database searches.

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Table of Contents

  • Basic Protocol 1: Performing Gene Predictions Using the GrailEXP Web Interface
  • Alternate Protocol 1: Using Genome Analysis Pipeline for Comprehensive Analysis of DNA Sequences
  • Guidelines for Understanding Results
  • Commentary
  • Literature Cited
  • Figures
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Basic Protocol 1: Performing Gene Predictions Using the GrailEXP Web Interface

  Necessary Resources
  • Hardware
    • Any computer workstation (PC, Macintosh, Unix, Linux) with Web access
  • Software
    • Web browser (e.g., Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer)
  • Files
    • DNA sequence of interest in Raw or FASTA format ( appendix 1B )
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  •   Figure 4.9.1 GrailEXP submission form.
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  •   Figure 4.9.2 Pipeline submission form.
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  •   Figure 4.9.3 Pipeline summary page.
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  •   Figure 4.9.4 GrailEXP genes text table.
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  •   Figure 4.9.5 Java Pipeline Viewer.
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Literature Cited

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