
Analysis of Expression Data: An Overview


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Literature Cited



After providing a brief introduction to microarray chips and experimental details, this overview discusses analysis techniques. Data analysis from microarray experiments generally involves two parts: acquiring and normalizing the data, and interpreting it. This unit focuses mostly on the latter, as it is less technology?specific.

Keywords: microarray data analysis; genomic expression; transcriptomics

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Table of Contents

  • Experimental Design
  • Raw Data Output
  • Data Normalization
  • Data Analysis
  • Informatics and Databases
  • Conclusion
  • Literature Cited
  • Tables
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Literature Cited

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Internet Resources
   The Gene Expression Expression Omnibus (GEO) is a public database of expression data derived from a number of different expression analysis technologies.
   ArrayExpress is a public repository for gene expression data, focused on providing a rich source of experimental background for each experiment set.
   Web site for Biocarta Pathways—interactive graphic models of molecular and cellular pathways.
   Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes.
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