
Overview of Animal Models of Obesity


  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • Literature Cited



The focus of this overview is on the animal models of obesity most commonly utilized in research. The models include monogenic models in the leptin pathway, polygenic diet?dependent models, and, in particular for their historical perspective, surgical and chemical models of obesity. However, there are far too many models to consider all of them comprehensively, especially those caused by selective molecular genetic approaches modifying one or more genes in specific populations of cells. Further, the generation and use of inducible transgenic animals (induced knock?out or knock?in) is not covered, even though they often carry significant advantages compared to traditional transgenic animals, e.g., influences of the genetic modification during the development of the animals can be minimized. The number of these animal models is simply too large to be covered in this unit. Curr. Protoc. Pharmacol. 58:5.61.1?5.61.18. © 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: monogenic models; polygenic models; genetic engineering; surgical model; leptin; diabetes; hyperglycemia

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Animal Models of Obesity
  • Monogenic Models: Monogenic Mutations in the Leptin Pathway
  • Other Monogenic Models
  • Diet‐Induced Models; Polygenic Models
  • Other Genetically Engineered Mutants
  • Surgical or Chemical Models of Obesity
  • Seasonal Models of Obesity
  • Other Models of Obesity and Associated Metabolic Changes
  • Literature Cited
  • Tables
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Literature Cited

Literature Cited
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